See Through Bloodshot Eyes, You're Left Empty Inside

Start from the beginning

Both i and Ronnie snapped our heads up as someone knocked on the door interrupting us, "Shit" i whispered.

Ronnie grabbed my sides pulling me closer against him, "Fuck them baby, they will leave".

i arched against him again as his lips found my neck, meh! maybe they would just leave if we didn't answer dipping my head down i trailed kisses down Ronnie's shoulder as a voice drifted from outside.

"Lis", It was Kasey's voice she sounded strange.

I snapped my head up again looking at the door as Ronnie groaned in frustrating, "Your going to answer it aren't you", Ronnie growled.

I looked down at my husband giving him a sorry smile as i got up to my feet, "Believe me sweetie i don't want to but she is my best-friend".

Ronnie rolled his eyes as he pulled his shirt back over his head pouting, "Um-OK".

I frowned leaning down to plant a soft kiss onto his lips, "But when she is gone we can pick up where we left off", slowly i trailed my lips from Ronnie's mouth towards ear grazing my teeth off his ear lob making him shudder.

Ronnie reached forward squeezing my bum with both hands, "I'm holding you to that".

"I hope you will", I winked as i walked around the sofa towards the door, Ronnie leaned forward clicking the un-mute button on the remote for the TV.

"Kasey I'm coming", I leaned forward opening the door with a smile on my face, my smile was soon gone when i seen Kasey face, "Kasey love whats wrong?".

Ronnie frowned as he turned and arched his head to see what was going on, "Is everything OK?".

Kasey walked into the sitting room with blood shot eyes from excessive crying, "Hey Ronnie", Kasey waved sadly as i turned around to face her.

"Come here", i reached forward pulling my friend into my arms, "What is wrong?".

Kasey returned my hug for along time just holding onto me, "M-me and Aaron have broke up", Kasey cried.

I frowned over her shoulder towards Ronnie as he lowered the sound of the TV back down, "What why?", i cooned.

"B-because he told me Liisa, he told me everything", Kasey stepped back looking into my face as the realism hit me.

"He told you", I knew what she meant she was talking about the kiss, "Oh Kasey I'm so sorry".

"Why didn't you tell me?, your supposed to be my friend", Kasey frowned at me feeling betrayed.

"Kasey i told Aaron to tell you first, i didn't want you to hear it from me", I bit down on my lip feeling guilty for not just telling her.

"I want to kill him", Kasey cried out curling her hands up into fists.

"Your not the only one", Ronnie voiced from the sofa frowning.

I put my hands on my hips raising my eyebrows at Ronnie, he wasn't making this situation anymore easier, "There will be no killings", i warned.

"I thought he loved me", Kasey brought her hands up to her face crying into her sleeves long and hard.

"Wow Kasey", i reached forward taking her into my arms again, "Come on love lets go to the kitchen", running my hand around Kasey waist i guided her into the kitchen as Ronnie frowned after us.

Kasey slowly lowered herself down onto the kitchen chair as blobs of tears ran down her face, "I cant believe it".

I grabbed the sides of the table as i slowly lowered myself into the seat bracing myself for her angry remarks, "Kasey when i told you months ago to ask Aaron why where not talking what did he say?".

Kasey wiped her tears away with her baggy sleeves, "H-he just said he said something about Ronnie and it got you mad".

I sighed rolling my eyes, "I'm so sorry Kasey", i reached forward taking her hand, "He should have told you sooner".

Kasey bit her lip looking down at the floor, "He maybe never would have told me if-", Kasey let her words drift off.

I frowned squeezing her hand, "If what?".

Kasey looked up under her wet eyelashes she took a big breath and continued, "He proposed to me tonight, he said he loved me and that he didn't want secrets, that's when he told me and i just ran out", Kasey rested her elbows onto the table as she pressed her face back into her sleeved hands allowing herself to cry more fresh tears.

I sat back stunned Aaron had proposed to Kasey? wow, "Aaron proposed?".

Kasey nodded into her hands, "Oh Lis, what am i going to do?". Kasey cried harder.

"Kasey do you love him?", it was a stupid question to answer i knew it already, Kasey had always loved Aaron.

"Of course i do, but at the moment I'm so mad at him Lis", Kasey dropped her hands from her face resting them on the table to stare at me.

"I know it might not help you but just look at me and Ronnie", I thought of the time with Ronnie's jealous ex-girlfriend and Lexus Amanda and felt myself seething with jealously.

Kasey shook her head, "T-that's different Ronnie has never cheated on you", i was about to open my mouth to speak when Kasey continued, "And i know your going to mention that time with Ryan but that wasn't cheating either both you guys were single".

That's not what i was going to say but i shrugged anyway, "Listen Kasey i know nothing i can say will make you feel any-better".

Kasey sighed trailing her finger tips across the table, "I get it Lis, you wanted Aaron to be the one to tell me, maybe if it was Ronnie i would of wanted the same". Kasey dug her nails into the wooden table as she stared sadly down at the tiled floor.

Quickly i got up to my feet wrapping my arms around Kasey neck just holding her, i didn't know how long i stood there just hugging her but it seemed like a long time, i would hug her forever if that's what she needed.

Kasey patted my hands as she slowly got to her feet and turned around to me smiling, "I better go Lis".

"Hey no you can stay the night if you want Kasey", i stepped back taking her hands into mine.

"Aaron said he would stay in a friends house before i ran out on him, so i can go home don't worry about me", Kasey gave me a sad smile.

I pouted as i took her into my arms again hugging her, "I will always worry about my friends especially you Kasey".

Kasey returned my hug before stepping back smiling, "I best go", before i could say anything she walked out of the kitchen and into the sitting room.

I turned around frowning as i listend to the sound of Ronnie's and Kasey's goodbyes before hearing the door click, Aaron should have told her earlier who waits until they propose to tell there lover that?, i sighed pressing my back against the counter as Ronnie appeared at the kitchen door.

"Everything OK baby?", Ronnie leaned his shoulder against the jar of the door looking in at me a worried emotion played behind his firey eyes.

"Everything's OK", i watched as Ronnie ranked his eyes up and down my body from ten feet away, the sad atmosphere suddenly left the room replaced by a burning hot tension from my 7 week sex deprived husband, i couldn't help let a smile spread across my face.

Ronnie looked back up towards my face returning my smile with a hot sexy grin of his own, "You thinking what I'm thinking?", Ronnie purred as he moved away from the door jar straighting his posture.

I batted my eyelashes, "Whats that Mr. Radke?", my full on attempts of sexiness was back in place like nothing had happened.

Ronnie raised his eyebrows at me as he tilted his head sideways, "Oh Mrs. Radke i think you know", Ronnie unfolded his arms from across his chest as he walked slowly into the kitchen.

I grinned brightly at my husband feeling my legs turn to jelly from the pressure of his scorching eyes, "Oh i think I'm about to find out", i giggled loudly watching Ronnie lift his shirt slowly over his head and dropping it to the floor before kicking the kitchen door close behind him, we finally got to pick back up where we left off earlier, on our kitchen floor...

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