Hi My Name Is Ronnie I'm A Fruit Snack Addict

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pulling my hair up into a messy bun at the back of my head i let out a frustrated sigh as i looked around the sitting room for my new pair of trainers i has bought for exercising, for those who didn't know both me and Kasey had taken up running everyday for the last three days and so far it was going good.

Looking over my shoulder i looked at the clock above the fireplace, "Ugh great", i fumed to myself, Kasey would be here any minute now and i couldn't find my stupid trainers.

As i stood in the center of the sitting room trying to remember the last place i had kicked off my trainers, i caught sight of my husband roaming around our kitchen in just his shorts making my heart give an un-welcomed painful throb as i remembered the exact words he had said to me four nights ago, i couldn't believe we spent four days not even speaking to each-other but at the same time i felt grateful because even if he did speak to me i wouldn't have known what to say back to him especially since my wounds where still fresh and open, frowning sadly i looked down at the wooden floors sighing, that was when i had finally spotted my trainers, smiling i ran forward bear footed and began pulling them on.

Finally after i was somewhat happy with the way i had done up the laces on my trainers i leaned back up and sooth out the front of my top glancing up at the kitchen door my hazel eyes locked with Ronnie's deep browns for the briefest of moments as he leaned against the jar of the door staring at me  right before the door went and distracted me, breaking my gaze away from Ronnie i walked swiftly over to the door, smiling i opened the door and greeted my best friend.

Kasey pressed her hands to her hips as she looked me up and down, "Ready?".

Well aware that Ronnie was still behind me leaning against the jar of the kitchen door and watching me, i turned around without looking at him to pick up my Ipod and Bottled water before i hastily rushed out of the house, turning back around i began closing the door behind me and caught a glimpse of Ronnies sad expession toward me as the door shut between us.

"Still not speaking to Ronnie then i guess", Kasey asked softly as we walked down the garden towards the path.

"Nope", The image of Ronnie's sad face played out in my head as i began to pick up a slow jog.

Sighing Kasey shook her head, "You are both so Stubborn".

That part was true both me and Ronnie were stubborn, but i had good reason to not speak to him this time, "Maybe so, but i wasn't the one in the wrong here Kase".

Kasey reached forward touching my arm softly as we jogged down the road at a slow speed, "Yes but someone has to throw the first stone".

Looking to my friend i gave her a small smile, "I know your right Kase and thanks for trying to help but really if its down to any stone throwing Ronnie should be the first one to take the step", it was true i mean i wasn't the one going around telling him he was unattractive.

Lifting her bottled water up to her mouth Kasey took a quick sip of water before answering, "Just don't leave it to long aye?, i just don't like seeing you like this!".

"Like what?", i frowned.

Kasey turned her grey eyes onto me, "Being so sad, i never seen you like this before".

"Ye but i will be OK Kase", I tried to give my friend the best smile i could, in all honesty i didn't want to speak about this right now all i wanted to do was run and forget like i had been doing the past few days.

The best thing about my best-friend Kasey was she knew when to just drop the conversation and change the subject, so for the rest of our jog we talked about everything else but me and Ronnie to which i was extremely grateful for, Kasey had even told me that her and Aaron were talking about giving there relationship another go to my happiness, i knew to well how horrible it was to not be talking and fighting with your partner, so just hearing about Kasey and Aaron making it up made me feel alittle better about things...

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