This Dark Cloud Is Still Around My Thoughts Wander In And Out

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"Come on baby, wake up", Ronnie leaned forward taking his wife's hand into his, "Ethan needs you, I need you", Ronnie shook his head as fresh tears sprung to his eyes, "Don't do this to me Good Girl", he leaned down pressing his lips against the cold skin of her hand, "Don't leave me here alone without you", Ronnie begged.

Having a child with your other half was supposed to be a occasion shared together one filled with love and happiness at this new little person in your life, but Liisa wasnt contious too see.

Ronnie sighed exasperated pressing his forehead against her arm, this was killing him just sitting here and not being able to do fuck all he felt so helpless, after everything they had been through from the jealous Ex's, break ups, getting back together, the make up sex, getting married, from the courts to Liisa getting pregnant, everything pushed forward in Ronnie's mind bringing a wave of sadness with it.

"Everything we done, i dont regret it, im so glad you added me on facebook, im so glad you are my wife and mother of our son", Ronnie chocked on his tears mentioning Ethan, he didnt want his son to have a motherless life like his, he knew how hateful that made him at life until he meet Liisa she changed everything about him he felt she was slowly making him into a better man.

Ronnie squeezed her cold hand tighter, "The only good choice i ever made in my fucked up life was flying you into L.A and straight into my life", ever since that day Ronnie truly new what loving someone was truly like he didn't want it to stop now.

His eyes scanned down her body as she lay silently on her hospital bed looking peacefully asleep, but she wasn't she was sick and in a coma, "You waited so long to see Ethan, don't give up if not for me for our son", Ronnie whispered pressing his lips against her frail hand in his once again.

The door opening behind him made Ronnie turn his head to see who it was, out of everyone he expected to see Max wasn't the one of them, "What the fuck do you want Max", his words came out alittle to hateful towards his Ex-Best-friend.

Max stood briefly outside as nurses and doctors passed behind him in the corridor before he made his way slowly into the Liisa's hospital room and stood afew feet away from Ronnie holding a bunch of flowers in his hands.

"Wow, Flowers for me?, you shouldnt have", Ronnie said sercastical, he wasnt in the mood for anyone right now he just wanted Max to go.

Max stared down at the flowers in his hand before looking back up at Ronnie, "No, for Liisa".

Ronnie grunted turning his gaze away from Max to look back at his wife just wishing that Max would get the hint and fuck off, he watched Max from the corner of his eyes as he made his way around the other side of Liisa's bed and neatly set the flowers on her bedside table.

Max cleared his throat, "I know you dont want me here", Max began but stopped when Ronnie laughed, he frowned awkwardly shoving his hands into his pockets and continued, "But im not leaving man, you need me i ain't letting you go it alone anymore Ronnie were like brothers".

Ronnie looked Max dead straight in the eyes, "That was before not now", he hissed.

"To me Ronnie i will always love you and look up to you, what ever i did back then it wasn't to hurt you we needed to live and make money to survive", Max shook his head looking regretful.

That pissed Ronnie off furture, "You didnt mean to hurt me?, the hell you didnt you left me to rot in prison", Ronnie's free hand curled up into a ball, "Oh and strip me of my royalty's".

Max pressed his lips into a straight line staring Ronnie back into the face, "No one asked you to get involved in my fight but being Ronnie you did anyway".

One Good Girl One Bad Guy (MSNRWRR Sequel) (COMPLETED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant