I Know You're Jealous, And You Wish You Could Be Me

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"You and Aaron what?", I started at my best-friend in shock as she poured herself out another big glass of white wine.

Placing the bottle carefully back down onto the glass coffee table Kasey sat back into the comfortable sofa beside me sipping away, "We decided to just be friends".

I couldn't believe what i was hearing right now for years Kasey had pined away secretly for Aaron and now they weren't together anymore?, "Kase, i just don't get it".

Sighing Kasey shrugged her shoulders lightly, "We just fell out of love Lis".

Patting Ethan's back i stared at Kasey for along time as her words slowly began to sink in, 'Just fell out of love?', I couldn't under stand how you could just fall out of love with someone, even the slightest thought of not ever loving Ronnie frightened me to the core.

Feeling uncomfortable by my silence Kasey cleared her throat and tried to change the subject, "Are you sure you don't want some wine?, its the good one".

I frowned curiously as i watched Kasey scoot to the edge of the sofa and blush, i had a weird feeling that she was possibly hiding something from me, "Um-no thanks i quit".

Lifting the wine bottle halfway in the air over my glass Kasey turned to frown at me, "Since when did you quit?".

'Since the night Ronnie called me unattractive while i was drunk', I thought to myself, "I just decided to kick the habit".

Setting her mouth into a straight line while topping her glass up Kasey shook her head, "Liisa is this because of what Ronnie said to you last time?, i mean come on he was way out of line you cant let him dominate your every-move".

"Ronnie does not dominate me he knows i am my own person if i want to drink then i will but i don't want to and that's because its my decision", being honest maybe Ronnie's words were apart of my choice but i would be damned if i let a man dominate my every-move, plus i wasn't going to let her talk about my husband that way.

The front door to Kasey's apartment swung open before she could even open her mouth to defend herself, Both Kasey and i turned in Sync as Aaron trailed into the room.

Shoving his hands into his pockets Aaron nervously smiled as he looked from Kasey to me, "Really 4pm and your already drinking?".

"It's never to early for a glass of wine", Kasey said as she swung her hand in the air brushing away Aaron's remarks and making him grin.

Pulling his eyes away from Kasey Aaron's Gaze meet mine briefly before i awkwardly turned away to tend to my son who was sleeping, truthfully i didn't know what i would say it him it had been eleven whole months since we spoke.

Clearing her throat beside me Kasey rose abruptly to her feet, "I-uh think i actually might haven drunk abit to much, i'm going to go lie down for awhile, nice seeing you Liisa, Love you both bye".

Staring up at my friend i watched as she avoided eye contact with me and quickly re-treated towards her room leaving me alone to face the music, 'Damn you Kasey' i sighed.

"Liisa", Aaron breathed softly from behind me.

Keeping my back to Aaron i swiftly dawned my leather jacket on and lifted Ethan's carrier up before i headed for the front door and past Aaron, "Ronnie should be here soon i better get going",

Staying close behind me Aaron followed me through the corridor towards the elevator shaft, "Lis, Please your my friend i miss you".

Reaching a shaky hand forward i pressed the ground floor button on the elevator and waited, "Friends don't kiss each-other Aaron", i retorted angrily.

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