Adrenaline Kicks In, Shifts Into Overdrive

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The past few days on tour with FIR was hell, now i understood how hard it was for the guys when they were sick but had to go out every-night and work there asses off on-stage, for the last few days i had been dying with a chest infection which limited my contact with Ronnie mainly because he didn't want to catch it which i understood but after nearly a week of not touching my Husband it was starting to feel like torture especially when he worked out right in-front of me, how ever my chest infection was easing now after the medication i had been taken, i was on the mend.

Ronnie sighed sitting up, "Babe will you stop", he frowned at me all sweaty.

I gaped at him for along time, absently wiping my mouth to see if i was actually drooling over my husband which thankfully i wasn't, except for in my head, "S-stop what?".

Ronnie tilted his head "You think its hard?, try exercise while being able to see up your wife's skirt", Ronnie pointed, his eyes growing darker.

I frowned looking down then grinned back up at Ronnie "I never asked you to look there", i batted my eyelids.

"The hell you didn't but you have been spreading them future just to tease me and guess what it working", Ronnie rubbed his forehead exasperated.

I smirked to myself i was secretly doing it just to see his reactions for the last week i just loved to tease Ronnie, especially  after 7 days of no Ronnie time, "Why not give in?", i flirted back.

"I want to so badly", Ronnie stared at me for along time pushing his hair back off his face, "How are you feeling?, still sicky?".

"No I'm fine", which i was i felt much better my medication was finished off this morning to my relief because it was disgusting.

"I haven't heard you cough", Ronnie stood up slowly his erection clear as day in his shorts.

I shuddered biting my lip "No i haven't", automatically i crossed my legs leaning back on his tour bus bed, tomorrow was the last day of warped tour so we would finally be going home and i would get to see Kasey i couldn't wait.

Ronnie stood back shaking his head "God i married a tease, do you know how much you drive me mad?".

"Um-all the time?", i grinned up at him as he walked closer and widening my eyes as he pulled his vest over his head and chucking it onto the ground.

"Mm-hm", Ronnie played with the tops of his shorts sticking his thumb underneath the waist band.

I stared biting my lip harder "Looks like I'm not the only tease", i whispered.

Ronnie grinned at me wagging his finger "Well two can play at the game", he purred walking forward.

The heat rushed to my cheeks i so wanted my husband right then, he was playing me at my own game now, I reached forward trailing my fingers down his hard stomach to his happy trail, Ronnie grinned down at me before catching my hand and shook his head but this time i didn't obey i pulled my hand free and messaged the outside of his shorts.

Ronnie raised his eyebrows "Impatient aren't you", he arched slowly into my hand.

"Well it has been a week", my voice came out alittle irritated Ronnie laughed,slowly i gripped the edge of his shorts slowly moving them down off his hips watching as his erection sprung free, it always amazed me how perfect he was in every-way.

Ronnie let out a gust out breathe he must have been holding "What are you going to do?", his eyes were clouded with lust.

"This" i whispered, i wrapped my hand around his shaft and tugged, Ronnie let out a soft hum flexing his hips once again, leaning forward i brushed the tips of my mouth over his tip and felt him squirm against my touch.

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