I Love You So Much It Hurts Me Ronnie

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"You're dating who?", Kasey eyes literally nearly fell out of her head, her voice rising up a notch.

I looked around Starbucks at others reaction to Kasey's moment before sighing and shushing her, "Max, you know Max Green, i have already said this".

"But not more then a week ago you were saying you loved Ronnie", Kasey lowered her voice this time.

"Ye well Max just came into my life and BAM", i slapped my hands together faking a smile in place, secretly deep down i knew it was a lie, that me and Max were'nt really together.

"Something doesn't seem right", Kasey studied my face long and hard.

Shit. Shit. Shit. best-friends and there liar radars, i looked around Starbucks anywhere but at her, "Well, Believe it".

"Liisa it just so sudden", Kasey reached forward grabbing my hand, "You know rebounding is horrible". she finished.

"REBOUND?, wow No, I-", i was about to say loved Max but the words felt wrong.

Kasey sat back in her seat putting her hands up in defeat, "Liisa I'm just looking out for you".

I smiled lifting my cup up to my lips, "I Know Kasey but I'm happy truly happy Max makes me smile", i frowned inwardly, "Anyway how are you and Aaron?".

Kasey frowned slightly at me "Can i tell you something?".

"Sure Kase anything whats wrong?". I felt nervous now it wasn't long ago that Aaron made a pass at me.

"He seems really weird with me lately so un-Aaron like", Kasey eyebrows knitted together.

"Weird in what way?", my leg uneasily bounced under the table.

"Hes spoiling me alot, i have the strangest feeling like he trying to say sorry to me or something", she looked to me for any resolutions i shrugged silently.

"Maybe you're just thinking to much into it Kase", Lying to my best friend was so horrible i wanted to tell her but i knew it would crush her, to be honest lately i felt like i was lying to everyone.

"Ye" Kasey smiled resting back into her seat "Maybe your right".

Kasey rambled on  telling me about her new idea to open a florist shop down town suddenly it turned from Kasey dream shop to our dream shop, we dawned on about going into partner-ship together which i really considered it sounded like a good idea to me, Kasey was good at assorting flowers and i was brilliant promotion ideas together we made a good team, i left to go bathroom half way through brain storming, when i returned Max was standing chatting down to Kasey I froze as they both looked up towards me.

"Max" i walked forward giving him the what are you doing here eyes.

"Hey you" Max walked towards me surprising me with a kiss on the cheek near enough to my mouth, i stared past him to my friend Kasey as she watched the both of us.

"Whats brought you here Max", I forced a smile on my face, i was really trying.

"Well of course i missed you gurl", Max slapped my ass as i past him, i jumped staring back at him, this was all very amusing for him.

"Aw that's sweet",  i wanted to slap max right in the face for that.

Max pulled a chair up to our table before throwing his arm around me as he lazily rested against my right side, Kasey stared at us in wonder but she didn't say anything on the matter, we both dove back into our conversation, occasionally she glanced at Max when he over did it on the touchy feely stuff, i was seriously now considering punching Max, Kasey left after awhile i told her that i would stay behind with Max, she gave me a big hug before trotting out of Starbucks and off in the direction of the music shop she worked in.

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