It Comes So Naturally So Smooth And Casually

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The sound of someone knocking on wood and hushed voices awoken me from my sleep, i didn't know what time of day it was but from the orange glow of light from behind my eyelids i guessed it was early morning.

Sighing heavily i cracked my eyelids open half way as i stretched out my whole body under the covers like a sleepy cat, every single muscle in my body expanded at the movement making me groan happily.

The sound of bare feet slapping wooden floors caught my attention, just as i turned my head slightly Ronnie walked into the bedroom holding a tray in his arms i smiled softly as a huge devilish grin spread across his face.

Walking towards my side of the bed in all his white tight jeans and messy haired glory Ronnie leaned down pressing his lips against my forehead as he set a tray in-front of me, "Morning beautiful, you had me thinking you weren't going to wake up after yesterdays and last nights events", he teased sexually.

Biting down on my swollen bottom lip i scooted myself up into a sitting position in bed and watched as Ronnie's deep brown eyes ranked down my half naked body, leaning forward quickly i planted a soft kiss on my husbands parted lips, "Hm amazing wasn't it", i grinned.

Reaching forward Ronnie ran his hands down my back as his deep brown eyes burned hungrily into mine, "I would say better then amazing and a first".

Smiling brightly i leaned against my husbands chest pressing my lips against his warm chin as i let my mind rewind back to yesterdays events where we spent the whole first day of our time together naked in bed only getting up to eat every now and again, "I wish everyday was like that", i sighed happily.

"Me too Good Girl", Ronnie whispered into my ear as he tightened his strong arms around my frail waist to hold me against his chest.

Reaching my left hand up i trailed my fingertips down his sleek chest biting my lip again, "Maybe we can", i purred.

"As appealing as that sounds to spend all day again making hot love to my hot wife we cant", reluctantly he pulled back and raised to his feet awkwardly, "I was thinking we should go on some rides today and just have fun", Ronnie smiled.

"Sure i cant tempt you Mr.Radke?", I purred as i leaned back down into the soft bed underneath me.

Ronnie shook his head in frustrated amusement, "Yes you could and you would because i want you right now", Ronnie pointed down to his bulging erection behind his tight jeans and continued, "But i want to take my girl out today so please don't baby".

Automatically my knees clamped tightly together as the muscles in the end of my stomach tightened as i stared in lust at my husbands tight white bulging jeans and pouted, "Fineee", i whispered disappointed.

Trying to hold the amused smile back off his face Ronnie stepped forward to kiss the pout off my lips, "Don't pout sexy we have tonight now eat up and get ready because after my shower we are going".

I looked up suddenly grinning, "Is there room for too in there?".

Ronnie looked back over his shoulder towards the bathroom and frowned, "Maybe but from what i seen we will be squashed".

"Don't worry i like being caught between your hot wet body and a wall behind my back, every girls dream", i grinned inwardly and outwardly at the look on Ronnie's face at my seductive words.

Ronnie stared at me through his messy hair his deep brown eyes widened slightly in silent lust, it was along time before a hot sexy grin spread across his handsome face, "You better get in that shower then Mrs.Radke before i change my mind".

Keeping my eyes locked with my husbands i slid off the side of the bed and stood up slowly in-front of him naked with a smile on my face, without another word i trotted happily past Ronnie towards the bathroom, Leaning quickly forward Ronnie smacked my ass making me squeal and laugh, "Oi, oi now save it for the shower bad boy", i giggled.

"Oh i intend to Good Girl", Ronnie whispered as he kicked the bathroom door shut behind him...


After this morning i had forgotten how AMAZING shower sex was with my husband i didn't know why we just didn't do it every single morning like we used to before our son was born which was a right shame.

"We should shower sex every-morning", i whispered happily at my husband as we walked through the gates at Disney land hand in hand.

Ronnie looked down towards me smiling mischievously, "Ye its one of my favourite places".

"We used to do it every morning before Ethan was born", I pouted at the distance memory.

Ronnie halted suddenly pulling me into his warm embrace as his mouth found my ear, "Everything will go back to normal it just takes to time to sort a routine for us time around a baby".

"I know, I know", i sighed trialling my fingers down his chest, "I didn't realise until today how much i missed it".

Rising his left hand up towards my face Ronnie trailed the back of his hand down my face as the sun caught his wedding ring, "We have right now lets go crazy, plus I'm treating this like the honeymoon we never had filled with sex and fun", Ronnie grinned down at me.

"A Honeymoon aye?", A huge smile spread across my face, "I like the idea of that", i purred happily.

"Makes me feel bad that i never gave you one", Sighing Ronnie closed his eyes and rested his forehead against mine.

His sweet breathe against my tender cheeks sent shivers all around my body, i closed my eyes briefly with him savouring the moment before i reopened my eyes to stare into his beautiful sad face, "I didn't need a Honeymoon because we were on warped tour so that was sort of a holiday", i whispered trying to ease Ronnie sadness.

Opening his eyes to look down at me Ronnie gave me a small smile, "Maybe so but at-least now i can make up for it".

Reaching up quickly i ran my hands through his thick luscious black hair bringing his mouth to mine and kissed him, "Every-things perfect I'm happy i love you".

Wrapping his arms tighter around my waist Ronnie brought his soft lips back down onto mine but this time it was much hotter, i groaned lightly as his eager tongue broke past my lips to explore the inside of my mouth, Ronnie pulled back suddenly gasping for air as he looked around us, "Um-baby people are staring".

Nervously looking sideways i glanced at random people as they looked on in disgust at our public display of affection and i couldn't help the blush that spread across my cheeks, "Oh".

Taking my hand Ronnie stepped back as a huge grin spread across his face, "Come on sexy lets go have some fun and hopefully you wont get so scared that you will get your period on the spot", Ronnie teased jokingly.

Looking up nervously at the huge Rides high above in the sky i gulped out loudly in fear, "I-i hope i wont either", Ronnie had to literally drag me through the crowds but the closer i got towards the rides i just wanted to run away.

Ronnie turned raising his eyebrow at me, "If you try and run i will carry you over my shoulder to it".

I gasped staring up at my husband in shock, "You wouldn't dare", i whispered.

Grinning mischievously at me Ronnie stepped slowly towards me, "Is that a dare Mrs.Radke?".

"Ronnie don't ever da-", I didn't even get to Finish what i was going to say when Ronnie swooped down to throw me over his shoulder causing me to squeal, the near by people around us stared in our direction.

Ronnie laughed loudly at my weak attempt to get down as he began to walk through the crowd again, "Easy up Good Girl", Ronnie teased as he reached up and slapped my ass hard.

"RONNIE", i flinched as a blush spread across my face, i couldn't believe my husband was doing this but at the same time it was kind of funny, Reaching down i swatted my husbands ass, I listened smugly as i heard his intake of breath before feeling his own hand connect with my ass again, "Owwwww", i complained, 'I was so going to make him pay later for this', i thought grinning to myself as he carried me to the first roller-coaster ride of the day...

One Good Girl One Bad Guy (MSNRWRR Sequel) (COMPLETED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ