Y/n- Nice. Well hello Elena. I see you've taken a liking to my niece, alike to most of the girls back at base?"

Mira/Elena nervously nods her head.

Monty- Sorry about this. Elena doesn't really like talking to strangers. Don't worry though, I bet the two of you will warm up soon. I don't know how you guys haven't met yet."

(Not explained in story, but I will now. Montagne was Y/n's partner during training for a few weeks right before he was deployed so they are pretty chill and decent friends.)

At that time, Monika had walked over with the baby she had taken from Danny, holding her out for Mira to hold. Mira almost immediately transforms from the quiet and nervous girl she was a moment ago to being very happy and childish. She holds the baby after Monika gave her to her and starts using a little pink rattle that was next to her to play with the baby. Monty, realizing that Elena was fine now, stood up and walked over to Y/n and Danny, who had made his way over to Y/n.

Monty, gesturing slightly towards Elena- I don't know how she changes so much around little kids. The only other times she's this happy are in the bedroom or out on a date. I swear dude, she met Ryad's (Jackal) son the other week, I think Ryad's wife said he's like 3, and she was just like this. Just started playing with him, warmed right up like this."

Y/n- Yeah, I can't really help you with that. Monika's always happy, especially the few times we're in bed."

Danny- Yeah, I don't know how to help you. Other than to Y/n, Ela, their dates, and me, Zofia's cold to most everyone, at least before Ela joined Rainbow. Every since then, Zofia's been a lot more sociable. Just try to introduce her to everyone."

Monty- Alright, thanks. I guess I'll be stuck here for quite a while longer since we just got here a few minutes ago. Anyone know what time it is?"

Y/n, checking his apple watch- 6pm.

Montagne, yelling over to Mira- Hear that, Mon Ange?"

Elena, looking up from playing with the baby, soft-spoken- What?"

Montagne- It's 6. Our reservations for tonight are at 8. We've got an hour and a half here. You just have fun with the baby, alright?"

Elena, back to playing with the baby- Alright, Mi Rey."

Y/n- I really need to learn Spanish. I usually know what you're saying since we learned French in school, but Spanish?"

Monty- If you could tell what I said earlier, I called her my angel. She just called me her king."

Y/n, laughing- Wait, my king?"

Montagne, a little embarrassed- Yeah, but it's more of like a little affection thing. I don't speak too much Spanish but I'm pretty sure that's what it means, if what Elena told me was right. You should've seen me meeting her father. He doesn't speak a lick of English or French. I had to get Elena to translate everything he said."

Y/n- Yeah, I haven't met Monika's parents yet. We've only been together for a few months."

Monty, jokingly- better not fuck up when you do. Else you'all won't be together much longer.

Y/n- Yeah."

Danny, making his way over to the stairs- You guys mind if I go take a nap with Zofia? I haven't slept since 2 yesterday, I've been up watching the baby and I'm dead tired."

Y/n- No problem dude. Bet'cha the girls' watch him for us."

Danny, walking up the stairs- Yeah, probably. Seeya. Zofia might come down in a while if she's up soon, she's slept for quite a while."

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