Gabbie shook her head. "Wow, those fan sites weren't kidding about your text messages, were they?"

Niall laughed. "Well, if you listened to everything they wrote, you'd realise Harry's pets have about sixteen different names."

"Actually, only my Cat is having an identity crisis." 

Gabbie's eyes snapped up, fixing tightly on the blue eyes that gazed back at her. He looked like he'd just stepped out of  wind tunnel. His hair was blown back from his eyes, his clothes rumpled around his body. The only thing that made you realise he was just dishevled naturally was the dark circles under his luminous eyes.

Gabbie stood up shakily, her hands ringing tightly together in front of her. She felt her mouth go dry and everything she had planned to say to Harry flew out the window. Her mouth trembled slightly and she couldn't even form the word 'hi'. She licked her lips and just stared at him.

Harry stared back for a moment before his eyes flicked down to Niall, who was getting up. 

"Well, this is awkward." Niall said breathily. He checked his watch, aware that everyone was watching him. He picked up his carry-on. "I think my flight is leaving... like now."

Harry nodded stiffly and pulled him into a tight man-hug. "See you." He whispered, clearing his throat as he stepped back.

Niall nodded, clapping him on the back before he leaned down to embrace Gabbie. "Fight for what you want." He whispered in her ear.

As quickly as his warmth had engulfed her, Niall was gone and Gabbie was left stanidng there, Harry's eyes burning a whole in the side of her face.  She cleared her throat, a question burning in the back of her mind.

Why did you leave me, Harry? Why did you have to go?

Cat leaned up against the pileon that supported the end of terminal 51. From here she could see Harry as he loomed near Gabbie, a dark presences that seemed to suck all the oxygen out of the air. Gabbie looked like she was soffocating. Thankfully, she wasn't literally suffocating. Cat sighed, watching from a far was hard for her, but the last thing Harry and Gabbie needed was to be interrupted. 

Instead, Cat turned away, heading back to the food court. The only reason she'd been there so long was because she'd gotten a text from Niall telling her to stay away for another five minutes. So she did. And then she came back to find that.

Walking back through the hurrying crowd with huge suitcases and tons of children, Cat found herself sitting alone at a table, her face in her hands. She was thinking about everything and nothing. 

What if Harry didn't come back?

Would Gabbie fall to pieces or would she be okay?

Would anyone ever be okay again?

It was out of the question that Cat could walk away from this and let Gabbie deal with her Baby and her life herself. She was in too deep and she definatly wasn't that type of person. She'd stick around, maybe pick up a third job or something to help support her friend until she was back on her feet. Of course, Gabbie's mum, Rachel would help out, but she too would have children she had to look after, and she was really in no position to fully support Gabbie and a baby. 

Cat sighed and sat back in her chair, suddenly greatful that she didn't have to catch a plane and that she didn't have any boyfriend drama to deal with. Her and Zayn's break up may have been drawn out, but it was a smooth, clean cut. She knew it was over, He knew it was over and there was no one trying to cling to what they had. Unlike Gabbie and Harry's relationship, hers had just.... ended.

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