I've got a Hangover, woah!

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"WHAT?" Gabbie shrieks like Cat's spent the last thirty minutes speaking in a forigen language.

Cat rolls her brown eyes and sighs, annoyed. "I said that-,"

"No, no, no." Gabbie says, waving her hands about. "I know what you said."

Cat frowns. "Then why did you-,"

"I just can't believe you didn't tell me earlier!" She interrupts Cat again, slapping her palm to her forehead like she can't believe her friend would be so stupid. "This could be the BIGGEST thing that ever happens to us, and you waited...," She checks her watch. "Fourty minutes to tell me this. Fourty. Do you know how long that is?"

"Uh... Fourty minutes?"

"Yes! Exactly, Fourty Minutes!" Gabbie slumps down in the lounge chair, a strange 'at peace' sort of expression on her face.

"Riiight..." Cat shakes her head, topping up her glass of lemonade like it's booze and she's having a shot.  "So, what are you wearing?"

Gabbie sips her vodka and lemonade mix carefully. They're both underage, but with Cat's Mum and Step-Dad up-stairs watching TV, Cat cracked open the cabinet. Her Mum wouldn't mind much- Cat was a complete light-weight anyways, one drink and she was done.

Gabbie on the other hand, seemed to hold her drink well. Neither girls were much into the whole alcohol scene, but with the news they had just recieved, they needed something to calm their nerves.

Gabbie swirled the contents of her glass around with her pinky absentmindedly. "The salmon strapless thing?" She asked, bringing up something random from her closet.

Cat nodded, glad she had just been drinking straight lemonade for the past hour. She could still feel the buzz the sip from Gabbie's drink gave her. "Yeah, but it gets dirty easily."

Gabbie raised an eyebrow. "And what the hell would we be doing at a One Direction concert, backstage, that could possibly make my dress dirty?" She let out a breathless giggle. "Saying that almost gives me chills!"

Cat laughed. "You and Harry could be gettin' in oooonnnn!"

Gabbie choked on her drink, some of it seeping out her nose.

"Eww." Cat laughed, handing her friend some paper towel. "Don't do that infront of them."

Gabbie shot her an annoyed look, placing the paper towel under her running nose. "And what makes you think that Harry and I would... uh..."

"Get it on?"

"Yeah, that."

"Dude, come on. Your a shoe in at the moment. After all, he already knows your like, in love with him."

Gabbie gasped. "What?! How?!"

"They heard our convo at work, duh."

"OMG!" Gabbie said, wide-eyed, her hand over her mouth as she blushed a deep red- like a stop sign with a face. "Oh. My. God."

Cat got up, filling Gabbie's glass with the remainder of the vodka- half a glass- and watched as her friend suddenly started guzzling it like it was water and she was dying of thirst. She giggled lightly, a werid sound to becoming out of Cat's mouth, given how much of a tom-boy she was, and flung the bottle into the bin beside the table.

"I'll call your Mum to tell her your staying over." Rachel and Cat got on well, so it wouldn't be a problem.

"And they're soooo hannnnddddsoooommmeee..." Gabbie cooed drunkenly from her spot at the tiny round table, three empty bottles of Smirnoff Red surrounding her. "Did you seeeee his diiiimmmmpppllleesss? Sooo Cuuuutteee."

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