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The leaves swept slowly across the newly cemented driveway, carried on the back of the autumn wind. Following the beautiful driveway through the delicatly planted tress and flowers, an iron gate blocks your way, a large S swirling through the crest. These gates squeal in protest as they open and fall back against its hinges. The driveway continues up  before platooing out just as the trees part and a large house comes into view. You can't even hear the sound of the cars below. Which makes it all the more peaceful. The driveway curves around a peanut shaped duck pond- ducklings ruffling their feathers in the cool water- before connecting with the driveway that originally led you up this way.

To the left is another gate, this one though has a lock on it, and trianglur sandstones protrude from under it and weave around the back of the house. Its a simple building, depite its obvious grandeur. Made completely from cut stone that is a deep grey, it stands at two stories; a dark blue-green roof stretching out to provide the front steps with shade.

The steps are made of a white tile and practically beg you to walk up them. They gleam in the light that dances through the native trees. As you get closer to the huge oak door that looms in the enterence, the sound of laughter wafts out from the house. You freeze, but everyone on earth knows that laughter. Of course, not as well as you do.

Peering through the blinds, your eyes fall on, firstly, a real green Christmas tree, standing proudly in its decorations. Around it, a family gathers, huge smiles adorning their faces.

"Dad! Dad, seriously, I'm the oldest, I get to open my presents first!" The boy, Edward, says, waving a large red box over his head.

His younger sisters scowl, and looks hautily at their Father as he snaps pictures with his new iPhone. A present from his Wife.

"Uh." He frowns, scratching his head. "Why don't you ask you're Mother about that one, Eddie? Darcy asked if she could be first yesterday."

Edward sighs and gets up, his skinny eight year old frame encased in a red and white onsie. Although he feels dorky and exposed, he pretends to wear it proudly, because his Dad made a special trip to his other friends on Tour to get it signed for him.

His sisters, Darcy Anne and Emily Racheal, snicker at him as he shoves past they and into the kitchen, where his Mother is talking on the phone to an old friend of hers. She smiles widely at her son. She'd always had an extra soft spot for him- probably because she had had him so young.

"Mum!" He cried, hugging on her skinny arm. "I want to opent he presents first! I'm the oldest!"

Gabbie sighed, looking down at her son. "Cat, hang on a second, Ed wants something.." She put the phone down and squatted in front of her son. "Ed, you're the oldest boy, and what have I told you about being the oldest boy?"

"I need to be respectful at all times." Edward recited. "And be nice to my sisters."

Gabbie ruffled his hair. "Exactly. You and you're sisters can open one present each at the same time, okay? But nothing yet, because we have to wait for Cat to get here."

Edward smiled, his eyes going huge in his head, shining like tiny pools of water. "Cat's coming?" He clapped his hands as his mother nodded and lept back into the lounge room. "Cat's coming!" He shouted, followed by a round of whoops from his sisters.

Gabbie chuckled and picked up the phone. "How long are you going to be?"

Cat clicked her tongue. "Whats the password to your gate?"

Gabbie laughed. "It's not locked."

"In that case, we'll be there in about two minutes. That is if Mia the Kia can get up you're damn driveway... The boys are coming in a seperate car. I caught an earlier flight from London and they had to wait for Niall to get in."

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