Cat's Pyrotechnics are SO accurate these days...

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"A limo?" Cat rolled her eyes. "You've got to be kidding me, right?"

Gabbie just squealed, clapping her hands and dancing in a circle. She, at least, had fun with the idea that they would be riding in a Limo. Cat, on the other hand, did not. The idea was entertaining and exciting, sure, but she didn't want to be cooped up in a car that she would never be able to afford at any point in her life. The idea of being surround by walls of posh leather that cost more than her life made her want to drive her car to the airport.

Niall cracked a smile as he pushed the last of Gabbie's suitcases into the overflowing boot. "Exciting right?" He wiggled his eyes brows.

Cat rolled her eyes again, putting her hands lazily on her hips as she stared at the stretched out black car. "I suppose so."

Louis came to stand beside her and bumped his hip with hers. "Don't get too excited, will you." He said sarcastically, smiling like a goofball. "But I have the perfect thing to cheer you up-," He threw open the back door and leaned inside, reaching for something. Turning around he shoved it in her face. "Look! It's Kevin! The pigeon!"

Even Cat couldn't keep a sour face at that. She smiled, giggling at him. "Wow, I wondered what you actually did with that after the Tour Diary."

"You actually watch that?" Liam asked, tugging at a curl that rested annoyingly behind his left ear.

"Of course!" Gabbie laughed. "What Fan doesn't?" She shook her head, her eyes still glued to the car that was taking up nintey five percent of Cat's front lawn.

"A normal one." Cat commented, causing Gabbie to scowl at her and stick her tongue out.

Niall chuckled and pulled open the back door that Louis had just closed. "Ladies first?"

Cat rolled her eyes but smiled all the same and slipped into the car. Lying down on the leather she breathed in the smell of Cologne and buttery popcorn. As she eyed the big flat screen across from her, the last smell made a whole lot more sense.


"A Jet? You own a freaking Jet?" Cat's jaw was hitting the ground, at this point.

Niall nudged Liam and laughed. "I have a feeling she's going to be saying that a lot today?"

Louis laughed. "Nah, Niall, really?" Niall rolled his eyes and hooked his arm around Cat's shoulders, steering her towards the stairs.

"Time to go." Louis sang, making Liam join in. They hummed loudly, singing totally different things and waving their arms around in a some sort of wacked tribal dance.

Louis spun around wildly, nearly taking Gabbie's head off.

"Holy crap!" She yelled, ducking out of the way of Louis arm.

Louis stopped, looking shocked. "I'm Sorry!"

Cat laughed, shaking her head as she leaned into Niall, smiling.

"What's he done this time?" Harry called as he and Zayn jumped out of a second, smaller Limo.

They'd driven back to brisbane to get everyones things before meeting them at the Byron/Ballina airport, which was the closest airport to Cat's house that allowed them to land their Jet. Cat was still totally awestruck with the idea of someone she knew owning their own jet. or, you know, even a Limo.

Gabbie seemed to take it well. So well infact, she was already standing at the top of the stairs, being greeting by the stewerdess, clapping her hands like a five yearold. Cat rolled her eyes, which was becoming a frequent thing, and poked Zayn in the stomach as she walked past.

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