chapter 15

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walking back to my room I feel a sudden feeling of worries about Josh on what happened to his family, While walking a car suddenly stopped beside me and opened its window it was Lucas.

You seemed lost Lucas said no i am not i just wanted to think and what are you doing here anyways seems far away from your home.

lucas smiled a little and said i just wanted to relax for a while things are getting hectic between me and my mom ever since this has been happing sometimes i wish i could just undo time you know

i looked at him and said maybe we can hang out for a while maybe we need someone to be with a friend.

friend huh Lucas said with a smirk

yes Lucas I think we can be friends so anyways where are you headed i have nothing to do till later if you don't mind the company i am available 

lucas looked at me for  a while and sure why not get in i was actually going to visit  an old place that i used to go when i still lived here just checking if it still okay

so i got in and asked what is this place anyways 

well it a little a cafe its actually where i met him, Lucas, answered

Him? you mean Jackson i didn't know he lived here? you really are full of mysteries you know that

he looked at me and said yes his parent used to live here before they got a big break and left for the city 

Lucas can i ask you something it will off the record and i won't tell anyone

seems serious what is it, Lucas answered 

is this Jackson person a special person to you i mean like really really special?

of course his special his my childhood best friend Lucas answer with a smirk

No Lucas what i meant was that if Jackson was your lover

and with that Lucas suddenly hit the break and my head jerked to the side because of the sudden stop.

Why would you think that cant guys just fight for other guys and not make it gay and something like that Lukas answered without looking at me 

Lucas its okay i won't tell your mom or my work if you are not ready to come out i will respect that and just pretend i didn't say that okay and sorry if i offended you

with that Lucas let out a sigh of relief and looked at me and drove after a while we reached our destination it was a little cafe it was near the local school so it was a more student-friendly theme 

we went inside and got our orders and sat near the back

while we waited for our order Lucas called to me 

The answer to your question before if me and Jack where a thing is a yes well was a thing the real reason why i went home because he broke up with me he didn't want me doing this election thing anymore he told me that what i was doing was getting things worse.

i noticed that he was trying not to cry,  out with the cool proud looking Lucas and what was in front of me a  person who was hurting inside and it was all pouring out

So he continued i told him what was i doing was for him and he told me stop and maybe end thing between us before something much worse was going to happen i told him i dont want to i told him that i loved him and you know what Jackson said  that what we had was a mistake and we should have  not done it  

Lucas was trying not to let the tears fall but he was failing   

Lucas continued all this time it was just one-sided he didn't love me he felt pity and obligation i dont know anymore.

he was crying hard now i stood up and went to him and hugged him and he hugged muffling his tears in my shirt lucky we were sitting at the back after a while our orders came we ate in silence his eyes still red from crying after our snack we went back to the car and spoke 

Thanks for being there  and sorry about wetting your shirt Lucas looked at me with a smile this time a genuine one 

your welcome what are friend for Lucas chuckled a little llet me take you home first then i guess i have tell my mom 

that good but only tell her when your ready okay

yup okey with that i looked my phone it was almost time for my date with Josh and i looked at Lucas he seems more relaxed now and i though to my self yup i really did well today and felt ready to face Josh next

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