Chapter 8

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As we entered the home i noticed that it was bigger inside and it felt very homey somehow Chara told me to sit down while she and josh will get the madam while waiting i went over my notes again to and arrange my thoughts.

Gavin, Josh called out Ms, Mench is going to see you now 

I got up feeling nervous and excited at the same time i felt a hand on my shoulder it was Josh

you are going to be fine okay you can do this Josh reassured me 

I smiled and said my thanks and I got up before i went in Chara reminded me to be respectful and don't ask too many personal questions and to think that Josh ass was also in the line here after that very unusual talk I went in Ms, Mench room 

She was sitting on a chair near the window she looked younger then her age she notice me and told me to sit on the chair in front of her

Good day mam i am a journalist from the newspaper Daily report do you mind answering a few questions for me

She looked at me and nodded but to much personal okay i am only doing this because i trust Josh 

Yes, mam, I promise 

Okay then what are your questions she answered 

So okay first I want to your opinions on the election and the actions of your son?

Getting to point are you she said

yes i  don't like wasting your time mam i answered 

okay then I think he is not doing  it out of service of the people but out of spite for his father you see when he was still young he went to his father to introduce himself i told him looking for him will only lead to pain but he decided to still find him and when he found him he was flat out rejected and called a liar his dreams were crushed and all those hopes turn into hatred he was a smart boy too smart sometimes and I feel like i  failed as a mother for letting him go on with this but what can i do he is already an adult i can just advice him but he won't listen he vowed that he will prove to that man that he was worth it and in this painful game they play the masses was just caught in it she said with obvious pain in her eyes.

 Then she looked straight into my eyes and said I know by telling you this it will ruin his chances in winning but as a mother, I can't let my son go this path hatred will only bare more hatred this was my  mistake because of young foolish love and my son shouldn't be the one to carry it now tears as she continued

Do you want to rest for I bit should i call for chara I said in a worried voice

no need lets get this over with the world need to know the truth i know you have more question the more i will let this all out the better I will feel she answered trying to smile but the sadness in her eyes was still there.

okay just tell me when you want to stop okay she nodded

So for the next one what about that man Mr. Norton

she looked at the window thought seems to travel far and she answered he was a man that played with my heart made me believe that he loved me you see i wasn't a city girl and i didn't know much about politics when i had Lucas i didn't know Jacob was already engaged that's why didn't tell him about Lucas i didn't want to put more trouble on both of our lives i just wanted peace. 

then she held my hand I don't usually talk to journalist as they like to spin my tales and fit it to there own agenda but i feel you are different from them if Josh can trust you so can i this story needs to be heard to stop this madness from getting further she said with much conviction on her voice.

Thank you i will make sure you don't regret trusting me i put my hands over hers 

she let go and stood up and said well then that was exhausting but I feel much better no let us go downstairs and see the chicken for snacks.

 We went downstairs into the kitchen where Chara and Josh were having coffee they both noticed us and chara approached ms. mench and asked her if she needs anything ms,mench asked for coffee and biscuits while josh approached me and lead me to the living room.

so how as it he asked 

it was better than expected i have the story and it is amazing can't wait to let the  office know  i said smiling

Josh frowned and said oh you're going back already I was hoping that you would stay a while you know.

Josh you know i can just email this right??

Oh he suddenly felt embarrassed by it .

it okay besides we have lots of catching up to do 

yes we do then we heard chara calling us to come on and  eat before it gets cold and side by side we went into the kitchen. 

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