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"Hm? You're back again. What's up?" Charlie had gone off to the barber's to get her hair cut and I was lazing at home.

Another rival God has interfered with my game. I need your help.

"Pfft. No."

It'll be the same as last time, I'll grant a reward.

"Find someone else."

What do you want in exchange then?

"Nothing. I'm not feeling it right now."

Is this payback for what I did in Ypogeios? I apologise, alright? I'll double the reward. Twelve favours!

"I told you, I'm really not in the mood to do any fighting right now. I just really need to cool off."

Cool off? You've been 'cooling off' for over two years now!

"I'd like another ten at least."

For fuck's sake Artemis, just name your price! If he manages to corrupt Arakan, he'll become a threat!

"Let him then. I prefer difficult prey over easy ones. It's the challenge of the hunt that makes it fun."


I could hear the fury in his voice as I laid down on my bed with a casual grin,"You want a good show right? Go look at that Arakan doing something stupid again in pursuit of something vain like righteousness like it's his job or something. Why should you worry about what he does since it's going to be entertaining for you?"

It's just-Argh never mind! It's your loss!

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Buzz off, leave me be." I waved Tom off dismissively. Was he insane? Did he seriously think I would fall for the temptation of rewards?

Appearing now and stopping him would reveal I was still alive. Whatever hidden force stronger than Xavier and Lorentio would most definitely go after me then. I didn't like standing in the open knowing my would-be enemies were still lurking in the shadows like assassins ready to pounce at my most vulnerable.

'Sides, I was having the time of my life right now. No point ruining it. At this point, Charlie had returned home,"Ey! Arty! I'm bored!" Arty was a nickname she coined for me.

"Go look at flowers or something. Let me be."

"I wanna go to Juniper city!" She tugged at my arm like a kid would a reluctant adult. After puppy-dog eyes, a relentless barrage of hugs and a load of bullshit compliments, I begrudgingly acquiesced, groaning as we left. While Juniper was only an hour away on horseback, I really wasn't in the mood.


"Hey, ever see that earring on the commander? Who d'you think it's from."

"It's definitely that Artemis Blythe. She's the one who managed to kill the 6 rank 6s remember?"

"Ah? Seriously? Our commander knows someone so powerful?"

I stood on the walls overlooking the entrance to Juniper. It had become a habit of mine. Ever since the death of both factions' leaders, we had been dealt a serious blow. Juniper, luckily, was largely unaffected by these events seeing as we were located very much inland. I spoke to my righthand man, Charles Harken,"Do you think the great elder will..."

"Yes Lord Lionel, he will succeed just like your father. Do not worry." It had been over three years since I last caught sight of that illusive figure who, unbeknownst to me until the last moment, had a meteoric rise from rank 5 previously to rank 10 in a matter of months. While I wasn't sure where she was, I was certain she was alive. Simply, neither faction had the sufficient manpower to engage in war, let alone fight a rank 10 powerhouse right now.

The decision was made by the righteous faction Illiad round table to not post a bounty on her. The demonic faction, it seemed, did the same.

But, there was a problem. With the main forces on the Illiad continent being weakened so considerably, the external threats were truly through the roof. We had numerous Xotika invasions and the Fiend Insurgence Coalition (FIC), a breakaway rebel group from the Fiends had been causing increasing troubles.

My head was filled with worries as I spotted two seemingly ordinary looking women. Yet, a gut feeling told me otherwise. They were definitely hiding their strength. As to whether they were here to cause trouble, I would soon find out. Descending the walls, I caught them at the gates,"Halt. I am Julius Lionel Barshiek. State your reason of entry."

"Just visiting. Came here to find a friend too." An extremely familiar voice came from the woman with a smug grin.

I gulped,"Y-You're back."

"So you still remember me eh?"

I rolled my eyes,"It would be weird to not remember the saviour of my clan. Come, shall we head somewhere more private to chat?"

We headed to my residence, the two women in tow. That other person by her side was unfamiliar. Sitting down, Charles prepared some tea whilst we chatted.

After Artemis removed her disguise, the other lady also removed hers. Her face was all too familiar,"Y-You! I know you! You're Charlie Rhode!"

"That's the one," She grinned cheekily,"I'm surprised you know me."

"Who wouldn't? Sinphony's big boss! A rank 8 magister!" I had two powerful guests in my house, capable of bringing Juniper to its knees in a matter of moments. This realisation left me hanging.

"Ahh, it really feels good to be in my own skin again." Artemis had changed a lot physically. She was far more beautiful than before but felt to me like a slumbering dragon which had been tamed.

However, some things never changed like her usual smugness and eloquence of speech,"So why are two powerhouses such as yourselves visiting me? Don't tell me you plan to stage a Damscus city on me."

Artemis waved her hand,"Told you, I came here to find you and because my girlfriend begged me to come."

"G-Girlfriend?" I asked, confused.

"Mhm!" Artemis Blythe, this imposing figure I had looked up too as an idol now hugged and snuggled up with Charlie Rhode, yet another powerhouse of this world like an innocent couple. It was absolutely unbelievable what love did to people. Also, a tinge of jealousy hit me but I snuffed it quickly. Three years was more then enough to get rid of my crush.

"A-Ah. I see."

"So how has Juniper been?"

"Okay, really. My dad managed to break through to rank 6. We've been having trouble with Xotika and Fiends but-Where have you been? No one saw what happened after you disappeared with them."

"Ah? I killed them, hope you aren't mad," I nodded. This was an expected ending,"After that...We settled down in a village to cool off."


"Can't tell you that easily, can I? Oh! Reminds me, we need to try the cirsque later Charlie."


"Juniper's speciality. It's good as sin."

"I'll take your word for it."

"So you two aren't planning on fighting?"

"Nope. Not for a good while. We're not planning to cause any more trouble on purpose here."

"Then as to..." Just like this, we chatted the afternoon away.

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