Aren't I Merciful?

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"Here we are. Juniper city." I let out an amazed sigh as I took in the exquisite sight.

Rows of one or two story buildings lined a brick pavement, faint markings of carriage wheels on the floor, the roads bustling with energy. Shopkeepers selling an assortment of items aimed at commoners and magisters alike, an abundance of beautiful banners hanging overhead, announcing an upcoming festival. The intoxicating smell of street food, the intense shouts of hype from promoters, the loud chattering of customers as the horses' hooves pounded against the floor, pulling wooden carriages that held precious cargo or nobility.

It was at this point where I noticed the abundance of races. A melting pot of cultural acceptance. It made chuckle. In such a world where magic was a norm, where everything worked so differently, people could still be so accepting. Earth could learn a thing or two from them. Back home, just a different skin tone could cause discrimination, let alone pointed ears or tusks. But what surprised me was the lack of slavery.

"Perhaps it has been abolished? Quite surprising," I muttered as I roamed the streets aimlessly, trying any delicacies that caught my eye whilst enjoying the sights,"It truly is breath-taking." I sighed with emotion.

The people here, commoners especially, lived simple lives. Linear ones. They were jovial, hospitable. One kind lady even helped me take measurements for a dress she promptly made. It was fit to my tastes and finely crafted, satisfying me. It was hard to imagine that the two factions of demonic and righteousness were currently at war in a place like this,"Hm?"

A building with several groups of people in dressed in various pieces of armour, weapons slung on their backs or in hand entered and left. Atop, a signboard prominently displayed the words 'Lako Hall'.

Curiosity got the better of me. I walked in, the loud chattering and dutch courage that pervaded the room was a sprightly sight.

I spotted an area that resembled the ticket counters at amusement parks, a group of people lining up. It was my best bet at finding out what place this was.

Quietly queuing, a loud group of people had lined up behind me. A rather lecherous man led them. He had a muscular build and a rather handsome face. It  were back on Earth, he could easily pass as a model for some fashion brand. Several women clung onto him as if he was their lifeline. Whores.

I frowned internally but kept quiet. I wasn't about to let this small setback ruin my experience.

Soon, it was my turn,"Hello, I'm sorry but I'm rather new around here. I've just arrived at Juniper city and I was wondering what this place—"

"So I gave 'im a chop and his entire arm was hanging by his side! I swear by the heavens I saw 'im cry as he begged for forgiveness!" The man chortled,"Eh? This little shit isn't done yet? Oi you fucker! Get the hell outta my way! I have these beauties to accompany!"

The receptionist gave a sheepish smile,"Sorry about him. He's the Guild Branch's son so we can't do anything about him," I shook my head, flashing a soft smile,"Ah, these kind of people, what can ya do, right?"

She nodded,"It's a pain but I need to keep my stomach filled."

"OI! Bastard! Didn't you fucking hear me?" He grabbed my shoulder violently, forcing me to face him.

The hall was filled with murmurs.

"Lecherous bastard's going at it again."

"The guy's fucked."

"How bad you think the newbie's going to get thrashed this time round?"

I looked up,"Hey, what's your name."

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