One. Last. Gambit.

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"Are you sure?" She asked as the Aqua Tira casually walked towards us, not a hint of urgency in her pace.

I chuckled,"Just don't die on me. Focus on the fight and ignore me."

"Got it."

Tarkyol's first level of power had one I would use: Draconic might.

The plan was most definitely a suicidal one. I planned to overdraft on mana repeatedly till either the aqua tira was killed or till I died.

"Beast form. Draconic might." In an instant, newfound strength flooded my veins as I saw 50 purple triangles and 50 purple squares appear on my wrist.

Following the train of logic, 50 purple would mean 500,000 red triangles. Wasting no time, I dashed forward and slammed into the dragon with unexpected speed, my throat letting out a guttural roar so terrifying and loud I never thought possible,"GRRRROAARRRRR!"

We slammed straight into the crystal wall as intense pain hit me as the dragon's jaws crunched down on my side. I landed a punch on its side, chipping away at its scales as my mana was nearly reaching its limit.

I slammed my hands down repeatedly until-

998 lives remaining.

Roaring out once more, I found renewed vigour as I continued my barrage of assaults on the dragon despite being mercilessly dragged by the waist through the walls till my spine was shattered, back muscles torn. But I persisted through the pain and kept on slamming my fists down. My weight of 10,000 was effortless to the dragon.

997 lives remaining.

My mana had run out once more,"COME!"

"GRRRAR!" The dragon challenged my roar with one of its own as we clashed once more, tearing into each other mercilessly as I finally manages to break the skin. As the dragon chomped down on one of my arms, I mercilessly bit down on its muscles, pulling them out a blood began to spray out.

"Meteoric!" I let off a flurry of punches with my remaining, each one knocking the dragon back more each time before I dropped dead again.

996 lives remaining.

"Meteoric!" I screamed again as I clashed headfirst with the dragon once more, my body slammed violently against the floor as innumerable sickening crunches of bones sounded all over my body. My maniacal nature prevented me from stopping my barrage as my fists autonomously slammed down on the dragon's tough hide,"LET'S FUCKING TANGO!" I cackled, revealing a vicious bloodied smile filled with broken teeth. My tongue was bleeding and my face terribly disfigured, several bones bent in the wrong way.

The dragon managed to catch my head in its mouth after another few short bouts all ending with my swift demise as its raw sharp teeth sank into my eyes and skull with slight difficulty due to my defences, my body still continuing its single-mindedness to kill. Mercilessness to oneself was a trait I found the most effective, especially since I had multiple lives.

My arms dislocated the dragon's jaw just as I died once more.

"SUNHEART! DRAGON'S BREATH!" I screamed as my entire body flared up, completely burning the dragon's mouth as I spat flames down its throat.

It recoiled in agony, throwing out my dead corpse as I revived again like a cockroach, seemingly able to survive anything.

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