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The gates to the palace unlocked with ease, not a single working defence mechanism in sight. The ones that were placed to detect and eliminate were all out of order, covered in a thin layer of dust, fungi growing out of small seams and cracks along the machinery.

Whistling a light tune, I opened the doors and as expected—It was completely deserted, only dead lights hanging overhead and worn stone to pave the path.

Sculptures of all sorts lined the dead silent courtyard, carved from a multitude of materials depicted what seemed to be gods and goddesses like the Greeks and Romans,"They might be worth a bit." I pulled out the statues with relative ease and kept them. So far, the storage ring had proved to be most  valuable an asset. I wouldn't have managed to do quite a bit had it not been for it.

The doors to the keep awaited. I took out a gold coin,"Heads, kill the king. Tails, treasure," Flicking it up, I stopped before the door, palm facing the sky. The coin landed silently. With a sideway glance, I kept the coin,"Killing it is."

This was a rare time my height was advantageous to me. Had it been Lucius in my position, he would find himself rather cramped by the low height of the ceilings. After all, the tallest of the kosmimarians I had seen, Eoin, was shorter than me even.

Humming a small tune, I heard a faint rumbling,"I wonder, what'll be?" The kosmimarians, as it stood, appeared to be rather weak and defenceless. Without the aid of their machines, that was.

"Robotic animals? Trapped chambers? Maybe they'll pull an iron man on me? Colossal robot? Guns?" I pondered to myself out loud as gravel crackled beneath my feet. The palace was in a state of disarray, unkempt and stuffy as all hell. Had it not been for a little bit of magic to filter out the dust, I'd probably be uncomfortable with breathing.

An omnidirectional voice boomed with imposing might, giving a sense of authority and grandeur,"To step into my territory without considering the consequences—What are you doing?"

I had taken out a small piece of pastry from the storage ring—A puff with honey filling. Nibbling it, I waved my free hand dismissively,"No, no, go on with your speech. I was a little peckish is all. Where were you at? Oh right! The you foolish mortal, how dare you step into my home! Then after that should be the bit where you either reveal that you had been waiting for me all this while to launch your final attack or," I paused a bit to take another bite and with my mouth full,"The part where you say 'I'll make you regret you ever came here.' I think. Unless you have something you'd like to add on?"

"...You are a rather arrogant person, aren't you?"

"No not really no," I casually took another bite as I walked back out into the courtyard,"In fact, I'm actually a pretty modest person. I treat everyone with respect."

"In that—"

"—But on the occasions I do not, I do have good reason for it!" I interrupted, contrary to my words,"And on this occasion, it is because I wanted to get you to try this bread." I took out a second piece and held it up.


"I'll be frank, I'm not sure whether I like this bread or not. So, a second opinion would be appreciated though if you're not willing to come out, I suppose the—"

"ENOUGH WITH THIS FARCE!" The voice boomed once more, interrupting me as the entire cavern rumbled.

I chuckled as the castle split open. The rumbling and small fissures along the walls that soon formed gave it all away,"Giant robot it is."

I took off my jacket and t-shirt and pants, leaving only my undershirt, a pair of spats and undergarments remaining. The cold weather which had made me wear double layer everything had become a blessing in disguise. The clothes I originally wore were bulky but now, I could actually fight comfortably.

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