With Ease

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They understood exactly what I was preparing and only shouted one thing,""RETREAT!""

"No escaping now. Closed Dimension." Waving a hand, they barely escaped a kilometre when they were blocked by a solid wall of black. As they turned to see my figure, their faces paled.

The scales on my body were glowing a deep maroon as, a gargantuan reddish-purple orb glowed maliciously above my heard, threatening to blow at any moment.

"Bring about the deepest despair. Destroy everything in sight. Leave nothing behind." I channelled all my mana into this final blow. The strongest attack I currently had at my disposal.

"Barrier of Light!" A weak shield formed around Xavier.

"Blood Sphere!" An opaque sphere covered Lorentio wholly as they prepared for my strike. Getting too close now would risk backlash from the powerful undercurrents of mana so they could only bunker down and hope for the best.

"Let no beast run amok. Plunge this world into chaos!" The orb was a blinding purple as it expanded and expanded, cracks appearing on it as I sank the last bit of mana into the spell.


A blinding wave of purple exploded as my ears were ringing, my eyes blinded by the light as I felt my physical body unable to handle this force, crushed and crumpling under my very own spell's might as the spell continued this devastating omnidirectional onslaught, my human body destroyed and reformed multiple times as my lives dropped rapidly every passing second.

My spell closed dimension had long been shattered under this spell's might as the skies above turned back to their normal purple, the torrential waves calming down as I floated on the water, breathing heavily.

20 lives remaining.

I saw Xavier barely floating above the water, Lorentio nowhere to be seen, a bitter laugh escaping my lips,"It wasn't enough." To take on two rank 10s this spell wasn't enough.

As he lifted his hand once more,"Sword of Light! HAAA—"

"URGH!" I spat out blood as my body disintegrated before reforming.

19 lives remaining.


"PISS OFF!" I growled, sending a torrent of water with all my strength barreling towards him. He managed to dodge with his speed and swiftly sliced off another five lives.

His eyes were weary as my lives dropped to 3,"I admit you're tough. Like a cockroach. But I wonder, will my mana run out first or will this power of yours?" He hacked down.

2 lives remaining.

"Hah! Even you at this stage can't muster the strength to instantly kill a rank 7 like me!" I guffawed and mocked to no end. I was about to die anyway. Escaping was most likely impossible. The drain of dying was too much.

"Brave words for a dead woman walking!" His sword decapitated me, leaving me with my final life.

"How many more I wonder—" As the sword crashed down like the reaper's scythe, I closed my eyes peacefully, bracing for death.

But that didn't come. Instead, I heard a cry followed by a grunt as I felt something hard impact me. Charlie.

She had a deep gash on her abdomen, blood dripping from the corner of her mouth as she smiled weakly. She stood before me as I realised: She had broken through to rank 9. She floated on the water's surface, facing Xavier,"Can't...Let you die on me."

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