Ch 24 - Melancholy of Life

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She looked at me doubtfully and I continued "And You have your mother who loves you".

"No I don't" She whispered.

"Does your being adopted lessened her love for you? Did you even gave her a chance to explain?" I asked.

She shook her head in 'no'. I pulled her to me and said "Farfallina... I know it's hard for you to grasp the things right now. But you cannot deny the love your Mother has for you because has it not been that you would not be crying now. Because deep inside your heart you know she deeply cares for you and I know it hurts to know that she is not your biological mother. I know and I understand."

She pulled away staring in front of her as if no one was there beside her and whispered, "No you cannot understand... one can..."

It hurt to see her like this. "Farfallina... I know when we lose someone close to us, we feel that no one can understand how we feel. But that doesn't mean that we forget the people who care for us, people who are alive".

She looked at me while tears were still rolling out of her eyes but I continued "Death is inevitable but we move on with our life with people who are still alive, people who care for us. I know it's hard to grasp sometimes but soon you will understand" I wiped her tears and gave her medicine which she took after a lot of efforts and tucked her in bed. I switched off the light to let her sleep her sorrows off. 

Seeing her broken like this reminded of the time I came to know about my father's death. It took a toll on me and I know she might be undergoing the same pain. I took sleeping pills because I knew I won't be able to sleep tonight without them.

In the morning when I woke up I was expecting her to be better. But it seemed like a night sleep was not enough to break her melancholy. She isolated herself and it was quite hard to make Evelyn eat for the first few days but I knew I had to force her. I didn't want her to be weak physically because it would take a lot to get rid of the mental pain but till then I will ensure she is taken care of.

Richard's POV

As I saw her walking away from me when I called her names. I regret ever opening my mouth I could not control my anger. I knew she was not leading anyone on but still, my jealousy overtook and I blamed her for the attention she got from the male folk in the party. I knew she was even not aware of the wolves eye raping her. I berated myself once I realized that I unnecessarily let my jealousy for a moment cloud my judgment.

I waited for her to come back to our room. But when she didn't show up till 2 AM. I asked the security who reported that they saw her entering the mansion. I looked in all the rooms searching for her to find her sleeping in the guest room. Her cheeks had traces of dried tears. I felt guilty and I wanted to wake her up and ask for forgiveness but this was not the time. I will talk to her in the morning. I hope she forgives me.

I woke up late and went to the guest room where she slept only to find it empty and when I asked around I came to know she left in a car in the morning. I waited for her to show up but when she didn't show up till afternoon it worried me. I called at her home and Daniel lift the call.

"Mr. Franoik, This is Richards Evans" I said.

"Hello, Mr. Evans... to what occasion do I owe this pleasure" He asked.

"I wanted to know if Evelyn is there?" I asked.

"Evelyn... here no I thought she was with you" He asked.

"Fine I will call you later" I said and hung up. 

It seems my words hurt her more than I think. I called my security to look for my wife. I didn't know what to do until she was found. 

I had been searching for her for a week and it was as if she left without a trace. I was worried about her safety. I didn't know if she was hurt or not. She was alone out in the world and girl as naive as her, don't know what condition she was in... I could not concentrate on my work. Her not being there made me realize what she meant to me. I never worried about anyone apart from my family. but I think somehow somewhere in my heart she made a place...a special place for herself.

Evelyn's POV

I stayed in the room which Ivan has given to me the first day he brought me. I isolated myself and didn't try to make out of the room. It felt strange that even though he owned the whole mansion he never made me feel like a stranger. My routine for the last 3 weeks was to get up late, freshen myself eat little of food which I was served three times along with the medicine that the doctor had prescribed. In total, I was passing the days of my life in a mechanical way. I don't know but this evening it felt different when the sun was about to set and the gust of wind banged open the balcony door. I had every intention to shut it and confine myself inside this little cage where I felt there is nothing in life for me.

My mind was blank with no thoughts for the present, past or future. The past I knew was painful, the present I had was empty and the future was unknown. As I made my way to the attached balcony and looked down upon the vast gardens, I bring myself to just could not shut the door, I stayed on the balcony watching the sunset. It brought upon myself a sudden tranquil. I felt there was a sudden change. The cold wind passing through my hair soothed me. It felt right at this moment something changed in me.

A group of birds flying to their nests made me realize that unlike them I had no nest or home to return to. I have no one waiting for me. But then like them, I can still go out in the world and make a place of my own. I cannot hide from the problems I have to face them. I have to teach myself to be strong. I have to learn to love myself. I think it's time that I, be selfish. 

Feeling determined I decided to sort my life. The first step would be to cut my old ties so I can live a new life. There is no sense continuing my relationship with Mr. Evans when there is no trust, no respect. Hence I will initiate the divorce process. 

I was in my reverie when I heard knocks and after sometime footsteps echoed and soon the person was behind me as if the person was trying not to disturb the peaceful haven of my thoughts. He stood there watching me for a while. I smiled and turned to see him. The very man I wanted to see.


* Farfallina --- Little butterfly

*Cara --- Dear

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