Chapter 11 - Me a mother?

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It had been a few days since i went with my dad, he has been really kind and gentle with me so far, i have also met my mother again and the rest of the pack who greeted me with open arms, i didn't fall for it though, i kept my guard up the whole time. 

"Taylor i have missed you so much" The alpha said giving me a one armed hug, i didn't hug back but smiled at him. 

"You to Alpha" i said. 

"How have you been?" he asked. 

"Great, better than ever" i said. 

"I guess that's because your back with your family after a few years" she smiled, i was fighting to glare at him. 

"No not really" i said flatly, his eyes flinched as i saw the anger in them. 

"We are your pack, we will always be your pack Taylor" he said, anger clear in his voice. 

"No your wrong, my pack is with my mate" i snapped, his eyes widened in shock, "and he will come for me, along with my pack". 

I was about to turn away but i felt something grab my hair and i was dragged back to face the alpha.

"Get off me" i shouted. 

"You are part of my pack and you will never disrespect me again, you got that Omaga" he shouted, he growled in my face then spat on me. 

I was thrown to the ground and i hit my head of the ground but i wasn't going to let that weaken me, i spent to much time being bullied by these people and wont let it happen again, i have spent to much time building walls for them to be shattered. 

"You have no power over me anymore Carton, i will not let you make me weak again, i did not spend time in the wild and find my mate just for you to take that away from me" i snapped, i stood up on shaky legs, i could see through my blurry eyes that Alpha Carton was angry, my father beside him now trying to calm him, my mother beside me trying to get me to back down and leave him alone but i wasn't going to. 

"Your an Omaga, you cant talk to me like that" he growled, i smirked. 

"I'm not an Omaga anymore, i'm a beta" i said smirking, everyone's eyes snapped to me, "my mate is the beta and that makes me a beta" i said. 

"Your nothing but a useless piece of shit!" he lounged for me but i quickly jumped out the way, all the training i have had with the pack and fighting rogues has came in handy, Carton was shifting now and was soon on all fours. 

"Come on then" i growled, my wolf was wanting to surface but i wanted to get one hit in before i shifted. 

I soon was pined to the ground by a huge brown wolf, but soon head butted him to make him whine then slid out from beneath him, once i was out from under him i shifted on the spot and attacked, but before i could do any damage i was hit on the head by something hard, i fell to the ground and looked up to see who hit me......MUM!. 






I shouldn't be surprised that my mother had hit me over the head but i didn't think she would. 

"Ahh" i groaned opening my eyes, i was in some place dark, the cells i supposos. I looked around trying to see if there is away out but i didn't see anything apart from a few people, I glanced behind me as saw someone sitting staring at me. 

Bright blue eyes staring right at me with her brown wavy hair all knotted but still beautiful.

"Kathrine?" i said almost shouting as i jumped up and ran over and wrapped my arms around her, she was shaking at my touch but wrapped her arms around me and buried her head into my neck as i did with her. 

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