chapter 4 - TJ

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I was allowed to go see TJ today as long as I have someone accompany me so I got changed and walked out of my bedroom and went to get breakfast before going out, James was up and made eggs and bacon.

"Bye" I shouted at James before I left, he groaned.

I walked round to the cells and I couldn't help my excitement, I saw him straight away. I got the guard to open the door.

"Hi" I said hugging him. he lifted me up and spun me, I couldn't help by giggle.

"How's the tamed treating you up there? " he asked.

"Like a prisoner" I rolled my eyes.

"How are you doing down here?" I asked, he made a face.

"Alright i guess" he said.

"You remind me of my older brother, he was like you but he died when I was really young" I said looking  into his eye.

"Am sorry to hear that, if he was like me then he was awesome" he laughed.

I was there for a few hours before James came to get me.

"Why couldn't I have longer?" I snapped glaring at him.

"Because I don't want you near him" he growled, we were in the car now but he wouldn't tell me where we were going.

I started out the window.

We got to this waterfall which was beautiful,I gasped.

"Do you like it?" James asked.

"Its beautiful" I whispered.

We got out the car and walked towards it. I could feel little Spittle's from the water.

"Do you want to go for a swim?" I shock my head at his question.

"Taylor what was your past like?" I stopped and looked at him.

"It was great" I tried to smile .

"Did you get kicked out of your pack?" he asked.

"Yes" I lied. if James knew I was lying he must know I didn't want to talk about it.

"Why are we here James? I hope you don't think this is a date because its not" I glares at him now, he smiled.

"Course not I just thought you should see the waterfall after all you live here now" he said, I looked at him.

"I don't live anywhere" I said with a flat voice.

"You live with me now" he said looking confused.

"Yes until you reject me" I said, he shook his head.

"Never" he said with a small smile on his face, I rolled my eyes and sat on the green grass.

About an hour later James drove me back to his house and left me there again but this time he didn't lock lockthe door, i went into the kitchen in search for food.

I watched part for Marley and me but fell asleep, I felt arms wrap around me, they were warm and strong and i couldn't help but lean further into them, I just felt safe.

"I can walk" I groaned sleepy. I heard him chuckle, James laid me Down in my bed before leaving he planted a kiss on my forehead.

I grabbed his hand and opened my eyes to see him looking down at me.

"Thank you" i said before falling asleep again.

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