Fairy Tale

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Genre:  Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Magic, Shounen

Summary: In the mystical land of Fiore, magic exists as an essential part of everyday life. Countless magic guilds lie at the core of all magical activity, and serve as venues for like-minded mages to band together and take on job requests. Among them, Fairy Tail stands out from the rest as a place of strength, spirit, and family.

Lucy Heartfilia is a young mage searching for celestial gate keys, and her dream is to become a full-fledged wizard by joining this famous guild. In her search, she runs into Natsu Dragneel and his partner Happy, who are on a quest to find Natsu's foster father, the dragon Igneel.

Upon being tricked by a man, Lucy falls under an abduction attempt, only to be saved by Natsu. To her shock, he reveals that he is a member of Fairy Tail and invites her to join them. There, Lucy meets the guild's strange members, such as the ice wizard Gray Fullbuster and magic swordswoman Erza Scarlet. Together as a family, they battle the forces of evil, help those in need, and gain new friends, all the while enjoying the never-ending adventure that is Fairy Tail.

Opinion: I have seen the first episode a while ago with some friends. it seemed like it would be a good show. I have considered watching it and then I realized how many episodes it has and I was like that is a lot. So if I decide to watch it, it might be a while. I do not have anything against this show I know lots of my friends love this anime.  Who knows maybe if you are looking for something to watch you might enjoy it.

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