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Genre: Award Winning, Drama, Mystery, and Suspense

Studio: OLM, P.I.C.S.

Date: Spring 2021

Episodes 13

Seasons 1


Eccentric and blunt, the walrus Hiroshi Odokawa lives a relatively normal life. He drives a taxi for a living, and there he meets several unique individuals: the jobless Taichi Kabasawa who is dead-set on going viral, the mysterious nurse Miho Shirakawa, the struggling comedic duo "Homo Sapiens," and Dobu, a well-known delinquent.

But Odokawa's simple way of life is about to be turned upside down. The case of a missing girl the police have been tracking leads back to him, and now both the yakuza and a duo of corrupt cops are on his tail.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]

My Opinion:

At first, when I heard the name of the enemy and tell the trailer of the anime, I had my doubts.  Not because the (Anime) was all about animals. But just because I couldn't really tell what was going to happen. So of course I watch the first episode to the anime and I just felt a little confused I didn't really understand what was happening. Of course, I probably could've been paying better attention. I was really skeptical. I wasn't sure if this was going to be at (Anime) that I would enjoy. Despite being skeptical, I decided I would give it another chance and I would continue watching it. As each episode went by I Soleil into the lead found myself interested in the (Anime). It got to a point where the show really started to pick up and I was dying to figure out what's gonna happen next. The show kind of start out slow and for me it took a couple episodes before really became invested in what it had to offer.

One of my best friends recommended this is (Anime), and she absolutely loves it. Now just because one person really love the show of course doesn't guarantee that you're also going like the show. But it never hurts to listen to someone else and give it a try. Even if there might be genres or things that you're not really into. At least you can do is give it a try and see what happens. What you decide to do after that is up to you whether you drop the show never watch it again. Or you keep going and be surprised by what will happen. I recommend this (Anime). I think that you all could like this anime too. I hope those of you who do decide to give it a try enjoy it and if you don't, no worries, there's tons of animes out there.

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