The Goodbyes

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Tessa POV: 

"We need to get Addy and get the hell outta here." I say walking past Warren. I'm walking towards Addy when I hear a car horn in the distance. Warren and I quicken our pace, catching up with Addy. 

"Hey. What's going on?" Warren asks.

"I'm not sure," Addy replies.

"This is Tessa," Helen starts. gesturing to the new woman.

"Uh that's my name," I whine like a child. Warren glares at me.

"It's ok. This is your home now. You're safe," Helen tells the distraught girl. Tessa 2 leans into Helen and sobs. "No one and hurt you here."

"This is why we exist. We provide a place that is safe from the violent destructive world of men. And we bring the perpetrators to justice. That is our purpose." Helen states.

"That is our purpose." Everyone says at the same time.

"Preach it sister!" I shout a little louder than I meant to. I get a couple of weird glances.

"Bring him." 

Two women bring out this gross looking man. He has greasy long blonde hair and I could smell his must from here. 

"What is your name?" Helen asks him.

"Bite me, Bitch."

"Hmm, bitch. I like that. it suits you. Well it's time that you talk to justice, Bitch. Take him away." Helen demands. 

The two women drag him away and we follow. I glance at Warren giving her an uneasy look. We follow them to a large barn. 

"I don't have a good feeling about this," I mumble to Warren. 

"You harm a woman, you die. That's our rule."

Helen gives Tessa 2 the cow poker.

"Now, Tessa!" Helen says. They open the barn door and Tessa 2 shocks the man, forcing him inside.

No. Fucking. Way.

"Is that a fucking Zombie Bear!?

You could hear the mans screams for only a minute. Then they stopped. 

Lexa's POV: 

Mack and 10K were eating the rest of the pie like two starving dogs. 

"Guys.." I groan grossed out by their manners.

Doc runs up to us. "We got to burn this joint, boy and Lexa. Time to motor."

"Yea? Well no." I say rolling my eyes at him. He must be crazy to think that I would leave Tessa behind. 

"Whoa Doc. What is it? What did you see?" Mack asks. 

"Zombie. Bear." was all he said before a couple of cars came towards us. 

I see Tessa, Addy, and Warren in the trunk of a truck.

"Stop the car!" I scream running after them. 

"Lexa! What are you doing?" 10K ran up to me.

"I don't have a good feeling about this," I told him. "Look I'm just gonna see what's going on and then I'll be back." I say holding his hands. 

The car stops in front of us.

"Lets go Lex. They're leaving us." Tessa says.

10K reluctantly lets go of my hand and pulls me in a quick hug. "Please be careful." He mumbles.

"Like always." I smiles.


"I'm coming!" I shout back at my sister. I run up to the truck and hop in the back. I sit down next to Tessa.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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