God Bless the Human Race

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Tessa's POV:

I woke up a few days ago. The gash in my leg is healed, so now I just have a small limp. Currently we are headed to Philly. To try and find supplies. Me Lexa, 10k, Addy, Doc And Mack where in the bed of the truck.  while the rest are in the truck. I am sitting on the side of the truck as we drive  down the streets of Philadelphia. As we were driving down we see the one and only liberty Bell.

"Holy shit is that the Liberty Bell?" we all hop out the truck and make our way over to it.

" God bless the human race. 99% of them dead but there's still one jackass alive with a spray can." Says Doc.

Me and Lexa laugh and when Warren opens the door a Z pops out but before she could kill it I take out my knife and stab it in the head. She nodded at me in appreciation and I nod back. They got the Liberty Bell truck to work.

Lexa's POV:

There wasn't enough space in the truck so me and 10k sat in the bed of it. I was standing while 10k was sitting. But the truck swerved and I almost fell out, but a pair of hands grabbed me by the hips and pulled me down. I landed on 10k, he was on his back and I was on his chest. I quickly got off of him.


" No your fine. Are you hurt?" He looked really concerned. and that just made my little heart flutter.

I sat up and shook my head he looked relieved. I sat up just in time to see the Liberty Bell fly off its ropes and starts tumbling down the street. I laughed as the bell took down every Z in its path.

"Yeah! I'd pay money to see that again," yelled Doc from the drivers window.

Tessa's POV:

Me and Lexa are currently sitting on the ground in front of the truck. Warren gave each of us a Twinkie to eat. I ate mine already, but I look over to see Lexa just picking at her Twinkie.

"Lexa you need to eat. You haven't eaten in 2 days,"

"I'm not hungry" she said picking up the Twinkie and throwing it at Murphy. He happily took it and scarfed the whole thing down in seconds.

"Lexa seriously tell me what's wrong," I nearly yelled. by now everyone was watching us.

"Tessa don't push me you know what's wrong now stop," she yelled. Then she got up and walked away. I sighed and lie down on the hot cement road.

"what was that all about?" asked Garnett.

"Don't ask all you need to know is just give her space. She'll be fine, its just sometimes the apocalypse gets to tough. Even for Lexa, and she is the toughest girl I know,"

"The apocalypse is hard for everyone. What makes her special?" Asked Murphy.

"Yeah well you don't know our full story. And don't talk about my sister like that again. because I wont hesitate to cut off your tongue. I'm pretty sure you don't need that to make a vaccine."

Was that harsh? Yes. Was it worth it? Yes. Will I do it again? Probably. But hey it shut him up didn't it? Garnett came around from the car and starts spouting orders. He said for Addy and Mack to go find a radio and the rest look for food and water. God I just want this day to be over.

Lexa's POV:

I was walking down the street killing every Z in sight. I hate this day, god I hate it so much. So, I decided to let my anger out on the local Z's. I'm walking down an old alley when I hear someone behind me. I know it isn't a Z because Z's don't hide. I draw my sword, and stand my ground.

"Show yourself!"

And when I said that 3 men come out from the shadows.

"You know you cant beat all of us, so why don't you come with us peacefully?" The guy in the middle says. He looks to be the leader of this group and the other 2, they were big guys but I know I can take one of them down.

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