This Isn't Goodbye Part 2

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Lexa's POV:

10K Grabs my shoulders and turns me around.

"I have to do this," He says.

"No you don't," I say back.

"Lexa if something happens to me you need to know something-"

"Stop. Nothing is going to happen to you." tears start coming to my eyes.

"You need to know I-,"

"I already know. Don't say it. Because it sounds like a goodbye and this is not a goodbye," A tear escapes my eye and rolls down my cheek. He takes his hand and wipes it away. I Wrap my arms  around his waist, and he does the same.

"Come on we gotta go," Homer says quietly.

10K pulls back and takes my face into his hands. He bends down and his lips meet mine. This kiss says everything we both are thinking. He pulls back and sighs.

"Lets do this"

10K puts on the suit, and him and Homer walk into nuclear plant. Tessa wraps and arm around me as we watch them go inside.


"That was the longest 30 minutes of my life," I say holding 10K's hand as hard as I could. I lay my head on his shoulder and just breath.

"So what now? Plan B or is it C? Give me a D, E, F, G " Murphy starts ranting.

"Hey! Hey! Not helpful!" Warren yells.

"Alright Robbie failed. But I can still do a manual SCRAM." Homer explains. Robbie was apparently some robot that could cut through steel.

"How?That place is fulled with Zs.," 10K says.

"We'll go in heavier. Take us along this time," Doc says.

"I agree with Doc. We take out as many zombies as we can and you and 10K finish the SCRAM," I say.

"We probably only got one more shot at a SCRAM. But we'll need heavier suits to reach the control room." Homer says drinking the water that Cassandra gave him.

"Where do we find them?" 10K asks.

"In the lab not far from where we lost Robbie. Four can go in 2 in these suits. Me and the kid in the heavies." He says.

"Ok. And what happens if plan C doesn't work and we wind up with our very own Fukushima Chernobyl whater?" Murphy rants.

"You mean what happens to you?" Casandra asks.

"Hey, I didn't ask for the job of saving the human race." I role my eyes. It always about Murphy.

"Amelia. Would you be willing to fly him and Tessa out of the radiation zone?" Warren asks.

Tessa stands up quickly.

"I never signed up for a suicide mission Warren," Tessa yells.

"Tessa its not a suicide mission. Its a chance. If things go bad here, then there's a chance that you will be safe. Take it." I say walking up to her.

"But we don't split up," She says looking down.

"To be honest with you guys I don't have enough fuel. I lied to my dad or else he never would have let me stay behind." Amelia confesses.

"Oh great. Well it looks like the wonder twins don't have to split up after all," Murphy sighs sitting down on a rock.

"If I had a few gallons, I might be able to get myself and 2 other people outside the blast zone, if we are lucky. " Amelia says.

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