Reopening Old Wounds

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Tessa's POV:

Since Garnett died Warren hasn't been the same. I understand that she loved him, but we need her. She need to snap out of it. I haven't heard a word out of her in days.I want to help her I really do , but I don't know how. It's like she is a shell of the Warren I know. I snap back to reality when I hear Citizen Z come through the radio.

"If you are listening to the, it means your still alive. So congratulations or condolences. You know whatever. If you're noticing more despair in my voice than usual today, it's because we lost someone special. I know we lose people all the time. Getting your face chewed off by a zombie is more common than making it to your next birthday."

The sad part is that is completely true. And it sucks. The world we live in is hell. It's been 3 years since the world has gone to shit. Honestly I don't know how I lasted this long. I mean I know I fight good, and I have Lexa, but what good is surviving without hope? I guess that's why I stuck around Murphy gave me hope, and I haven't felt hope in a long time. I feels nice. I continue listening to Citizen Z talk.

"But this guy. . . This one's worth mentioning. Charles Garnett, First Sergeant, Army National Guard Reservist, was an honest to god , real life, actual good guy. He fought for other people, not just for his own survival. And he did something that's pretty much impossible these days.He gave people hope. Remember hope? remember thinking we might actually come out on the other side of this thing? Yea that. Sergeant Garnett died trying to give us a reason to hope, and for that I salute you."

I could hear that he was trying to hold back his tears. How can he be so sad for man he never met? Probably because he is a good guy with empathy. But down here in order to survive you have to push empathy away. Because if you think about it too much you won't kill it. Its so hard having to kill things that were once people. People with families maybe kids. It's even harder when you have to mercy kids. They didn't even live life yet.

I sap out of it when I heard the truck make a pop noise and it slowly came to a stop. I get out the truck and walk to the hood of the car.

"What the hell happened?" I hear Lexa yell jumping out the bed of the truck, along with 10K.

"I think it's the radiator," I answer.

"You would be right ," Doc said.

10K climbs under the truck trying to see if he can fix it.

"Fixable?" Mack asked. getting off the dirt bike. Him and Addy have been riding on that for while. The truck just became to claustrophobic

"Gee, if we only had a mechanic," Murphy said with his usual sass.

"Shut up," Me and Lexa said at the same time.

"You got to let her deal man. She has that post-traumatic stress." Doc said defending Warren.

"She has post-traumatic stress? The wholes world got post-traumatic stress. Actually there isn't anything post about it. We all got plain ol' present tense, all traumatic all stress all the time. What makes her so special," Murphy says getting up and walking to Warren, who is still in the truck.

"Murphy you better watch your ass," I yell over my shoulder.

"Hey Tessa can you the duct tape from the bed of the truck. I'm gonna try and tape this up see if it'll stop leaking," 10K shouted from under the truck.

"Yea hold up," I say walking back there. Cassandra is still in the bed of truck braiding her hair.

"Hey pass me the duct tape?"

"Here," She says tossing me the tape.

"Thanks Cassie," I smile and walk away. I hear her laugh at the nickname.

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