Today You Became Our Friend

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Lexa's POV:

No water. No food. We're dying. I can hardly stand anymore. My body is shutting down. All of us are, everybody beside Murphy. We are somewhere in Nebraska. Me and 10K are laying in the middle of the street too tired to move. Cassandra, Doc and Tessa are sitting down over by the side of the road, and Warren is leaning oh the hood of an old car. I've never been this thirsty before. I'm starting to see things. You know in those dumb movies where people are so hungry they imagine their friends head as food. I swear 10K look like a burger earlier. I look over to see Doc sit back down next to Tessa and Cassandra.

"I read once that you could drink your own urine, but all I'm pissin' is dust," His voice is dry and dull.

Murphy walks over to Warren kicking her shoe lightly.

"Water isn't gonna find you just sitting there,"

"Why are you so freaking chiper?" Warren ask she sound tired.

"I've been wonder that myself. Maybe it's because I conserve my precious bodily fluids," Murphy says smugly.

I hear rumbling in the distance, but I'm too tired to even care. it's getting louder, but I still don't care.

"What is that?Is to an earthquake?" 10K ask I can feel him trying to get up, but he's failing.

"More like a zombie quake," Tessa says trying to get up. I look over my shoulder. Thousands maybe millions of zombies are running our way. I groan and roll over onto my side. I see Doc and Tessa help Cassandra up.

"Goddamn guys just won't quit," Warren says leaning off the car.

"I suggest we run for it," Murphy says running a little bit till he realizes that none of us running with him.

"Come on people pick it up, or you're going to be zombie food,"Murphy says jogging up to where Warren is.

"I can't- We can't- Too- dehydrated," Warren pants.  Murphy grabs Warren's shoulders pulling her up. Doc and Tessa are helping Cassandra, and me and 10K are still on the ground. I groan and try to sit up. I push up on my arms only to fall back down to the pavement.

"Come on Lex we have to go," 10K says pulling my shoulders.

"Can't too tired," I say closing my eyes. I've never felt this weak before. This is worse than the cannibals at least there I had water.

"Come one Lex stand up," 10K says still trying to pull me up. I don't respond this time. I feel one of his arms snake around the back of my knees and the other around my back. he stands up and runs to catch up with the rest of the group. I go in and out of it. I can barely keep my eyes open.

"Come on Lex try to stay awake!" 10K yells at me still running.

"I'm trying," I slur. We run into a building. I have no clue what it is, but I know its a building.

"Don't shoot," I hear a man yell. He must be running from the zunami too. 10K sits down with me still in his lap.

"Lex try to stay away," he says taking one of his hands and wiping my hair away from my face.

"I can't," I say falling limp in his arms.

Tessa's POV:

We ended up in morgue. How? I have no clue I was just trying to live. There are millions of zombies out there. I sit down next to Doc Resting my head on his shoulder. Doc is passed out or sleeping I'm not sure which one. I let my mind drift to Addy. I hope she's ok. I haven't seen her in three days. I miss her.

"So that's it? We're just gonna lie down and die? Doc!" Murphy yelled shaking his shoulder waking him up.

"Three days without water man. The human body hits the wall." Doc said resting his head on mine.

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