Ch. 3 Don't Hurt Her

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"Everybody thought that too you not the only one, " Kenya said shrugging her shoulder nonchalantly, but none the less she still had a small smirk on her face "soo the woman who look like she want kill you and is uh that your girlfriend or what. " Kenya finished becoming timid, I laughed at her and shook my head no.

"No Khadijah still got my heart you should know that, over there," I said pointing to a pissed looking Mitch " is my best friend Mitch."

"Oh the ex slash best friend got it, so then why is she looking like she want to choke somebody?" She asked me I was her off again.

"Long story, look me and you need to catch up sometime. So I would love it if you'd gave me your number. " I said unlocking my phone and handing it to her she quickly does so and hand me my phone smirking.

"You might as well give best friend my number too... But you probably were going to do that anyway am I right?" Kenya said raising her left eyebrow I rolled my but I don't deny it.

"I was, there a problem with it?" I asked her and shook her no.

"Go ahead by all means girl do it please," Kenya replied back I laughed and save her phone number in my phone and put it back in my pocket "I'm going to go, can you put those two Chucks on hold or do you not do that in this shop?" She finished off I nodded my head yes and she hug me again.

"Size 9, right ?" I asked letting of her, her doing the same she nodded her head and she walked out the shop.


I stood there just glaring at Jordan stood there just smirking, oh how I wanted to slap my best friend at that exact moment. She took out her phone and I unlocked her phone and went straight to contact.

"She in the K's." I scrolled down when I got to the K's and saw Khadijah boo I raised my eyebrow but saw the name under it Kenya.

I took out my phone; put the girl number and put it my phone putting it in my phone. I handed her back her phone, even though I wanted to throw it. Jordan put her phone in her pocket and I do the same. It was silent since I told Lena she could go on break, and Antony is somewhere around here. But he, he's not important at the moment.

Jordan came around the counter of the cash register and gave me a side hug I don't reciprocate the gesture though.

"Best friend are you mad at me?" Jordan said squeezing me a little bit, and giggling like it was funny, and its not. I gave her the biggest side eye I could muster but considering I'm kind of on the short side and she was kind of on athe tall side I was side eyeing her boob's but if you ask me I was not complaining.

"Yes, now let me go." I said trying to squirm out of her grip but all she did was hold to me tighter or was kind get hard to breathe. I heard Jordan fake pouting and I rolled my eyes this bitch is not for real.

"Mitchelle why you mad at me, what did I doo?" She replied back still pouting like the five year old she was, even though she was the same age as me. I couldn't talk I act the same way... Sometimes. I glare her boob's cause she knew why I was mad.

"You know why Nay'Shawn." I said still trying to get out her grip which if you ask me was starting to turn into a death grip now that I said her real name.

"I do I just want you to tell me why. " Jordans grip never let up even when I was squirming in her arms. I was starting to get tired of fighting the side hug and I knew she knew I was too. So I fought for a good 15 seconds then just all together quit.

"Because you got her number before I did, and to make matters worst that hug last more the 3 second that was 5. And the way she was looking you, man she looked like she liked you and goddammit you got a girl." I said in a huff, she let me go and laughed like stomach holding I can't breath type of laugh. I was still glaring at her I had my arm crossed now.

Act Like You Love Me (lesbian story) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang