"No, I'm a realist, and I'm afraid our opponents will get stronger."

Priestess stopped beside the silver ranked adventuress and asked with hesitation.

"What does it mean Y/N-san?"

"We're already 3 days in our search, but the attacks still come often and this maze... it's dark and has many paths...A perfect place for an ambush...Also..."

Bloodhound looked at the dead corpse that was lying near her feet.

"They have good armor and that is really suspicious."


The priestess was interrupted by a droplet landing on her cheek.


I was curled up in my warm cloak. Even if it was drenched in water. It gave a small warmth to my stiff muscles.

A lone lantern was illuminating our small rest spot.


I sneezed and startled my fellow party members.

"Are you alright Y/N-san?"

"Yeah...I just hate cold and wetness combo..."

"Hah... I agree, not the best environment for a lizard people at all."

Lizardman pulled the cloak closer around himself.

I chuckled weakly and my gaze drifted to Slayer, who sat further to the exit, looking for dangers 

that could be lurking there.

My gaze was fixated on him when a timid voice interrupted my trans.

"He-ere Y/N-san."

In front of me, Priestess pulled a cup with a drink.

I nodded and gingerly took the cup.

The drink ran down quickly in my throat and flared in the pit of my stomach, making me feel 

warm at least a little bit more.

I sighed happily and thanked the Priestess and dwarf for the drink.

"Hey, Bloodhound..."

My content was swooshed away by the elves questioning tone.

"We already saw Goblin Slayers face, but why not yours?"

"Because I always wear it to the Guild and you didn't ask...Why such an interest?"

Elves ears perked up and on her face shock was written all over it. She quickly scooted closer to me and pointed her finger at my mask.

"Then take it off, at least some entertainment in this gloomy time break."

"T-That's rude to just ask so bluntly!"

Priestess scolded the archer for her bluntness, somehow, even if almost all were adults here, they could act like children.

"That's okay, she did ask so..."

I slowly reached for my mask and pulled it gently off, letting the rain trickle down my face, some droplets staying in my lashes.

I opened my eyes slowly.

3rd POV:

3rd POV:

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Bloodhound (Goblin slayer x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now