'We didn't have a choice.' I say evasively and wrap my arms around my waist.

Me and Zach may have decided to not tell anyone about the real reasons behind us having to escape but we never got round to inventing a cover story.  Part of me knows this is because we never really believed we'd meet anyone else.

'We're here.' Bo's grips the handle of a door and as he opens it, a deafening noise assaults my ears.

I stand motionless in the doorway, observing the chaotic scene in front of me; a huge room full of adults and screaming children. People are crammed together at tables, invading each other's personal space, talking and eating. Cutlery is being waved around, remnants of lunch lay strewn on the floor around babies who sit chewing large chunks of food. This is nothing like the mealtime I am used to with allocated seats and carefully spaced out tables.

This is chaos.

I stare at the mess covered babies. I've never seen a baby before. Naturalist parents take turns to stay at home with little ones until they are old enough to know how to behave.

Basically, scared of touch equals well-behaved for a Naturalist.

Haiden approaches me and rests her hand on hip. 'You better hurry, most of the food is gone, and people have started to go up for seconds. I'm starving, but I wanted to wait for you.' Haiden huffs. 'Really, I should have grabbed us some plates of food. I don't know why I didn't. Sorry, I'll do it next time. How did the medical check go? Why are you so late? Are you hungry?'

'She wasn't feeling very well,' Bo says.

'You do look a little pale. When was the last time you ate? Some food will sort you out. Let's get you something to eat. However, at the rate these pigs are going up for seconds, we'll be lucky if there's anything left.' Haiden reaches out to pull my arm. I flinch before she makes contact causing her to stop. She smiles gently. 'Come on, Kit.'

Inhaling deeply, I follow Bo and Haiden into the crowded room, full of people I wish didn't have arms or legs or any other appendage that could accidentally touch me.

A room of statues would ideal.

'I really wanted to introduce you to everyone but by the time we eat, people will be leaving already. I'll do it another time. You'll meet all the people around our age though. We always sit together at a table,' Haiden says as she hands me a bowl from a pile. We line up in front of a big saucepan, and I watch a man drop a ladle full of food into Bo then Haiden's. When it's my turn he scrapes out whatever is left at the bottom of the large saucepan before pouring it into my bowl.

How many people have touched this bowl? Touched the saucepan? The food which goes into it? Lots.

Strangely enough, the thought doesn't make me feel queasy. The prospect of dirty sweaty hands on my food doesn't bother me but someone trying to rest a hand on my arm does.

I really need to sort my head out.

Following Haiden and Bo, I dart around people and squeeze through small gaps between bodies. Dolly waves at me from across the room. I force a smile while dodging a child who runs pass me.

I'm scared of children. This is just plain humiliating.

We reach a table in the corner of the room, most of the chairs are occupied. Haiden takes a seat in the middle of the table, Bo sits at the end of the table next to Zach leaving an empty seat on the other side of Zach.

I stare at the tight space with a growing sense of dread.

No matter what, I can't sit down without pressing against the stranger who sits on the other side of the empty chair. Zach turns around with a grin, which quickly fades and turns into a frown as I step backwards.

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