Don't play UNO with the Avengers

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Peter was bored in class. Having Tony Stark and Bruce Banner as uncle's, meant he was taught collage stuff at the age of 11, it would have been at a younger age but his mom said no. Anyways, Peter was bored, so he pulled his phone and texted the Avengers group chat.

Someone answer me, I'm bored.

Queen Assassin
How could we help you

Let's play something

Queen Assassin
Like what


Queen Assassin

3 minutes later

Queen Assassin
Alright I got everyone

Why are we here

Only good with a bow
Facts I was doing something

I don't want to be here

Queen Assassin
Peter is bored and because tony's dumbass' taught Peter everything he has nothing to do in class

Queen Assassin
So we are playing UNO

Ugh fine


Peter open the UNO and friends app, and invited the 3 willing to play.

Once the game started, it was heated instantly. After playing for a few, Peter was sweating, every one had 2 cards minus Nat she had 1. Clint put a card down, it was a plus 4. Tony quickly put another plus 4, he wasn't going to lose today. Steve put 2, plus 2 cards. Next was Nat, she put down a plus 4, making Peter pick up 16 cards.

Or so they thought, Peter put a reverse card down making Natasha pick up 16. The game froze, it probably knows he's in trouble.

He saw a text pop up.

Queen Assassin
I'm coming for you

Peter instantly froze, he put his phone away and acted like he was paying attention to the teacher. After a few minutes a knock was heard at the door. Peter looked to the door, in the window he could see red hair. Oh shit, oh shit. Peter quickly ducked under the table when the teacher open the door.

All the students were gasping. The Black Widow was in their class. She quickly scanned the room. She saw hair sticking out from under the table. "Peter you're not hiding very well" Peter got from under the table gulped.

"He- Hey mom" Peter was voice shaking.

Nat stalked up to Peter and grabbed his ear. "Why would you do that" She pulled his ear basically about to rip it off.

Peter was in so much pain. "This is child abuse. Help, a child is being abused" She tugged his ear up higher. "AH, OWE OWWWW. OK IM SORRY, I HAD TO WIN" She pinched his ear harder.

She looked betrayed, "So you make your mother lose"

Peter was hitting Nat's arm trying to loosen the grip. "Its just a game, OK OWW, I said I'm SORRY" Nat released his ear and hit him upside the head. "Child abuse, help" Peter said holding his now red ear.

"Don't do it again" With the said, she walked out the room like nothing happened. She quickly came back, and told the kids to not tell anyone about what happened.

Once she left all the kids and teacher looked to Peter. All he did was rub his ear and said, "Don't play UNO with the Avengers or The Black Widow"


Words: 539

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