I just don't get it

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TRIGGER WARNING: Self-Harm, suicidal thoughts, and suicide.

I'm sorry for this chapter

Peter is the happiest, sweetest, nicest and warm hearted person you'll ever meet. Well that's what Peter wants you to think.

Peter is the saddest person ever, he cries himself to sleep, he starves himself, he has the most negative mind ever; he just wants the voices to stop, but what they're saying is true.

Peter couldnt take it. Flash got worse: more personal, more physical and just more true.

'You're no good penis parker, you're worthless, fat and ugly, no one wants you, that's why your parents killed them selves to get away from you, and your uncle killed himself all to get away from you. Your a freak that doesn't belong on earth just die already'

The sad truth is it's all true, everyone in his life leaves him, May became more distant. Mr. Stark, never cared for Peter, he just gave him the suit and left. Ned and MJ have been leaving Peter slowly.

When ever Peter went out as Spider-Man, there were no jokes said just serious action.

Soon the voices came but worse than ever. 'The world doesn't need Peter Parker' 'you're worthless' 'You're ugly, stupid and a waste'

Peter started to believe the voice in his head. No one could help him. No one could stop him.

'Just walk forward you coward'

'Its only 5 feet'

'Only 30 seconds and this could all stop'

'Are scared, you worthless peace of crap just do it'

Before Peter could step forward he remember he left a note, The Note, with his spider suit that he gave Mr. Stark. He hoped maybe Mr. Stark would come and helped but he doesn't think so anymore. He doesn't want Mr. Stark to come anymore.

(With Tony)

Tony walked into his lab and saw the Spider-Man suit on his desk. As he walked closer he saw there was not note. He read it in is head and started to cry. The note read:

Hey Mr. Stark, I can't take it no more, no one cares, no one bothers to care. I mean why would they, I'm just a worthless child. People don't need, me they need Spider-Man, so why would I still need to live

Every one I love is slowly leaving me.

"Hey guys" Peter waved to MJ and Ned
"Hey Peter" "Hey loser"
"Do you want to come to my house after school"
Ned was about to answer when MJ said
"We can't we have plans after school"
Peter frowned, that was the same excuse for past 3 weeks. "Oh ok"

"Hey Mr. Stark, can I hang out with you soon" Peter had hope in his voice that Mr. Stark would leave to
"Sorry kid got stuff to do" That was it the phone just ended.

When May had time to spend when out of work she just watched t.v. not doing things with Peter like she usually did. She became distance.

I can't do this no more. Everyone leaving me And then a voice comes in my head telling me to do these things, I don't want to do it. But it got so bad I could handle it.

'Dont eat you're to fat'
'Look at how ugly you are'
'You think you're special, your not'
'Just die already, no one wants you'
'You're worthless

Mr. Stark I didn't want to do this but I have to. Who am I kidding, you probably won't even read this.
Mr. Stark, I'm Sorry.

When Tony finished reading the note there was tears in his eyes. He couldn't believe this was happening. He called his suit and told FRIDAY to try and track Peter before it was to late.

(With Peter, while Tony was reading the note)

Peter sat on a roof top some where in Queens. The building was at least 10 stories a perfect height to end it all. Peter had a blade in his hand and was about to cut but he stopped. He saw his phone and decided to turn off his location and disconnect from all Wi-Fi. He didn't want to be caught, he wanted to end it all. As Peter was doing that he remembers a song, so he played it.

I'm always so alone
even when surrounded
by people that I know
I'm always so astounded
by my ability to ruin everything
losing friends and starting fires

He remembered MJ, Ned, May and Mr. Stark all leaving his life. A tear slipped down his cheek.

everyone thinks i'm a liar
I always stay at home
cause i'm not good in public
I sit here on my phone
I'm always disappointed
I watch them live their lives
I wish that I were happy
victim of my generation
time machines can not erase it

All he did was stay home. He had no friends to hang out and he had no more energy for Spider-Man.

who am I supposed to be?
when will I be complete?
when will they be proud of me?
it's getting harder to see
slit my wrists, bloody fists
questioning why I exist
pain persists, evil gifts
fucking up my life to shit
I'm worthless, i'm worthless

Peter took the blade and slit his wrist, making 4 cuts on each wrist, left from right. He got closer to the edge and looked down. 'Just a 15 second fall' The voice was right. 'Walk forward'

I'm worthless, slit my wrists until I bleed out
I try to stay strong
no matter what I do,
I'm always in the wrong
it never gets easier,

So he did.

When Tony was flying in his suit he saw a boy on a roof about to step down. When Tony realized it was Peter, he flew as fast as he can but he was to late.
Words: 979

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