Oh Yes He Did

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The Avengers, save Steve and Tony, are sick and tired of those two always playing around each other.

Steve was making some breakfast but decided to add some new ingredients in it. "Hey Tones can you try this batter out for me?"

"Sure" Tony grapped a spoon and scooped some up. Tony fell in love with the taste. "Holy shit steve, this really good" Tony smiled at Steve, taking another scoop.

"Thanks" There was a faint blush oh his checks.

Two days later Natasha, Peter and Tony were sitting on the couch watching a movie when Steve came in.

Tony eyes immediately flew to Cap, watching him move.

Peter and Nat looked at each then rolled their eyes.

Peter called cap to living room. "Hey cap, are you free tonight"

Cap looked at him, a little confused. "Uh, yeah. Why?"

Peter held up his finger, saying hold on. He turned to Tony, "Are you free tonight?"

"Uh, yeah" They both were very confused.

Peter clapped his hands and said "Great! Because I'm not. You two hang out without me" Peter grabbed Natasha and walked four the room. "Enjoy your date!"

Steve and Tony just starred at the spot where they left. "Did he just?"


Words: 205

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