"This your first?" the woman next to me asked. She was the one I had seen in the parking lot. She was pretty, blonde haired and wore a warm smile that matched her lit up eyes. She was the type of woman that practically read "mother". She could be no more than twenty-five.

I nodded yes. "You?"

"Yeah." She looked away shyly and smiled. "I'm Janey by the way."I smiled back at her when our eyes gained contact again. "Is he the father?" she whispered this low so only we could hear.  My heart sped up.

I said, "Yes. Oh and I'm Kate."

"Nice to meet you, Kate. Very good looking, he is," she said, meaning Zayn.  She motioned her head to the man sitting next to her. "This is Alec, my husband. He smiled at me and nodded then went back to his magazine. He had blonde hair as well and brown eyes. He wore glasses, but he looked masculine in a dorky way.

"This is Zayn. My, uh, boyfriend." I told Janey. I imagined her to give me a nasty look like the rest did for obvious being a pregnant teen and not being married. She didn't, though; she simply gave the same smile as before. They exchanged hellos, and she began to ask me questions about myself. What kind of things I liked, what I planned to name the baby, and other things. I told her my interests and that I didn't have a clue what I was naming the baby. She told me she was naming the baby Cleo after they'd found out it was a boy. I told her how cute I'd thought the name was, and she asked me how far along I was.

"About four months. You?" I said.

"Eight months. This is the last check-up before little Cleo comes." She smiled off and laughed. "It's weird to think that he'll be here in such a short while. And, well, after everything, I thought he'd never come."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

She took a deep breath. "I was diagnosed at fourteen cervix cancer. I had ovaries frozen, and after I beat the cancer, they put them back in and told me I was most likely never going to have any children on my own. And now here I am. And though it's a high-risk pregnancy, the doctor said last time there is likely to be no major problems at birth. I had never felt so happy in my life." She smiled. "Cleo's my miracle baby. I've always dreamt of being a mother, and I felt helpless after the news and saw all only the bad parts of life. But now I see nothing bad and feel all of the good. He's not even born yet, and I already have been changed for the better.

I felt ready to cry. There I was, crying over two men fighting over me, when this woman is a cancer survivor who thought she'd never have the child she's dreamt of as a little girl and now she is. I can't believe I was so selfish before.

I was lost in a trance of thought until she began talking again. "Hey, here's my number. Call if you ever need anything or just want to hang out or talk or something." I took the slip she handed me and placed it in my purse.

"Jane Gregory." The nurse called from the doorway. 

Janey smiled at me as her husband helped her stand. "That's me." she said. She turned back and mouthed "Good luck."

I sat in the quiet room with Zayn until I heard my name called from the same doorway Janey had went through with Alec. Zayn made sure I stood alright, and we followed the nurse back through a long hallway of endless rooms. It was bigger on the inside than it seemed. Zayn grabbed onto my hand as we walked to the news. 

I sat down on the plastic covered bed and held onto Zayn's hand. He was shaking, but I said nothing. I was shaking, as well. We sat in silence once more. I felt sweat building up between our hands. I gave one hopeful smile to Zayn, and he gave one back. The door suddenly opened, and it was time to find out.

After being asked the basic questions your doctor must ask, I lifted my shirt and the doctor(Dr. Oley), put the gel on my stomach. It felt cool to the touch, but I didn't mind. I felt warm all over. He began running the little camera thing around on my tummy, and the baby popped on the screen. 

As soon as this happened, Zayn had tears in his eyes. Catching a glimpse of this, I lost it. It was a tiny little person. It was part of me, part of him. It was our's. Our little baby. It was inside me, and I was its mommy. I understood when Janey had said she had never felt so happy. This was definitely the greatest moment in my life. 

"Do you want to know the sex?" Dr. Oley asked.

Zayn said nothing, so I said, "Yes, please." I looked to Zayn. He was wiping his face with the hand that wasn't holding mine. He wasn't crying, but he looked ready to.

The doctor ran the camera over my tummy again. Zayn's hand squeezed mine as he leaned in closer. He seemed just as anxious as I. This was our moment.

The doctor turned to us slowly. "It's a girl." He began to put the machine away.

My heart dropped. A girl. This was incredible. I looked at Zayn who was crying with me now. I pulled him closer. 

"I'll make a copy of the video and leave you two alone." The doctor left the room, and Zayn climbed on the bed and held me in his arms. I felt his tears on my bare neck. It was alright because mine were trickling down his arms. I grabbed his wrapped arms and pulled them even closer to me.

This was our precious moment. This was the moment I realized I truly loved Zayn Malik.

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Okay.....so I ABSOLUTLY love this chapter! I think this is my favorite out of all of them. I hope you all liked it. 

Please leave your comments below and VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!!

-Hannah :)

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