XXVI : 丂乇ㄥꍟ几卂

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Selena's POV

"Goodbye sweetie
Nice to see you
Haven't talked in quite a while

The weight of the air is torture
Don't know who I am anymore
The illusion of ignorance
Why don't you take a chance?"

—Circus P

I saw that transition in her face I hade been dying to see. Her furious eyes turned into pure fear, as soon as she saw the killing object in my hand. It's as if I had already killed her. She already died inside. Her hands went up slightly, as a reflex of showing that she would do anything to stay alive and that she wasn't able to fight against this mighty weapon in my hand. Her hands trembled like a lamb. She didn't know what to do, she just stood there waiting for my decisions. Waiting for me to either shoot or give her instructions. I loved it. I walked slightly closer to her, and she, again in a reflex, took a step back to keep her distance from me.

"Don't move. Put your hands behind your back." I commanded. She quickly did as told, going back to her previous position. "Anything to say?" I couldn't help but slightly smile. "Wh-why are you doing this?" "I didn't say you could ask questions!" I raised my voice, coming even closer to her. Her head flew between her shoulders. "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry, ma'am." I corrected her. She looked surprised at me, noticing what I was doing. I had switched our roles. She nodded quickly. "I'm sorry, ma'am." She sounded determined. She thought that if we could keep up the play, I wouldn't take her life. But I wasn't fooled this easily. "You do as I say now." I spoke. She nodded swiftly, submitting to my body circling her by lowering her head slightly.

I observed every single detail about her. How she stood there in her pajamas. Of course, she never expected me to break in like this. She didn't wear anything but some light-grey cotton shorts and a crimson red T-shirt. I knew she didn't like to dress so warm, she'd rather wrap herself with an extra blanket or two. Which reminded me... my eyes directed to her legs, and just like I thought, goosebumps had formed on her calves. The cold of the night blew into the room because I had shattered her window. The shaking wasn't just fear, she was also freezing. Her long, brown, curly hair went over her shoulders as usually. I observed her face, her neck, and her thick arms. I had missed seeing her. My fingers hooked onto her jaw, moving her head from left to right. She tensed her lips, clearly at unease. I could do anything I wanted to her now, and I took my time. 

I quickly walked around her to check if she had her phone near, but luckily it was still in the charger in her room. I locked the door behind her. She was helpless. I walked back to her front and started caressing her lovely collarbones. "Where were you this week?" I asked. I placed the tip of the gun against her stomach. Her eyes went down and I swiftly hit her in the face with a flat hand. "My eyes are up here." She quickly looked up, as her breath accelerated even more. "Answer me." "I was at my family's house." She said. I raised my eyebrows, nodding. "Oh! So.. problem solved right? The only problem in your life and you solve it just like that!" I snapped my fingers. She looked confused at me. "It's.. not like that." She shook her head. I gave her another slap in the face. She looked mad at me again, the fear started to fade just ever so slightly. "No backtalking, Demetria." I shook my head with a smile.

"You're crazy..." She muttered, shaking her head of disappointment. My smile disappeared quite quickly. "Insulting the person who has you at gunpoint, that's certainly the wisest thing to do." I threatened, pushing the gun harsher against her stomach, loading it. The fear returned in her eyes after she heard the clicking noise. "Where do they live hmm?" I asked, holding my mouth close to her ear while stroking her hair. She stared in front of her and then shook her head. "I can't..." She feared for their safety. She feared that I would maybe look them up as well. Who knows what would happen next. Oh wait, I do!

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