the final (pt I).

Start from the beginning

"I'm here whenever you need me, you know that."

Nichole smiled and closed the photo book before pecking his cheek, "I know, thank you for that."


Despite Taehyung's busy schedules, he made sure that he squeezed in time to talk to Nichole. Whether that was over the phone or in person. Nichole thought she was going to die when Taehyung had left to go to Italy for three weeks, but she knew he needed to work.

Thank the universe for Skype.

"How has your day been going so far?"

Nichole sighed and looked into her laptop's camera, "I did maternity shots today and then I had taken birthday shots for a five-year-old. I'm tired, but I wanted to talk to you today."

"I'm all ears."

Nichole snorted, "Oh trust me, I know you're all ears."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Nichole giggled, hiding her face in her hands, "Nothing, nothing, it's just you have a lot of ears."

"Nichole, I have two ears."

Nichole rolled her eyes, "Same shit, how was your day?"

"Tiring, it's hard to be a handsome man."

Nichole chuckled at Taehyung's cocky facial expression, "You not that cute, honestly."


Taehyung clicked his tongue and nodded his head, "Oh okay, don't touch me when I get back home."


"No kisses."

Nichole frowned and sighed, "You're kidding."

"Absolutely not," Taehyung smirked, "if you want my kisses you need to apologize."

"Oh baby," Nichole laughed and threw her head back, "apologizing? This isn't Burger King, you will not have it your way."

"Don't kiss me when I come back."

"I won't!"

That was a bald-faced lie because when Nichole picked him up from the airport, she immediately kissed him. Taehyung smiled but adjusted to the rushed and overexcited kiss. He couldn't help, but snicker when they moved their heads away from each other, "I thought you wouldn't kiss me."

"And I thought you wouldn't be a pain in my ass, but we can't keep our promises."

Nichole squealed when Taehyung tugged on her bottom lip, just to get a reaction out of her. "Let's go, I hate airports."


"Are you sure you can handle my aunt and my cousin?" Nichole asked, outside the door of her Aunt LeAnn's house. "They're a bit crazy."

"I met them before, I'll be fine."

"You met them for like ten seconds."

Taehyung shrugged, "They can't be worst than my parents."

Nichole rung the doorbell, "Okay true, but you can't say I didn't warn you."

"Warn him about what?!" Gina exclaimed as she swung the door open, surprising Taehyung. "Hey, Taehyung! Y'all come in."

Nichole gave Taehyung a fretted expression but entered the house first.

"No shoes on my carpet!"

Nichole was actually surprised that her aunt and cousin weren't as unbearable as usual. Aunt LeAnn was still cooking so Nichole was sitting with Taehyung in the living room. They were watching Purple Rain because Nichole couldn't believe that Taehyung never watched it before.

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