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"I promise I'm okay!" Nichole groaned at Gina and her aunt. Nichole didn't know that they were planning on surprising her. Once Nichole opened her front door with her splint, both of them freaked out. "I fell on a rock, no biggie."

Her aunt gasped in disagreement, "Like hell, you say no biggie! Baby girl, you were blessed with BEAUTIFUL legs! Now you are crippled and only have one leg like your Uncle Gregory's dog! A one-legged bastard!"

Gina and Nichole's aunt, LeAnn died of laughter. Nichole crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head. "It wasn't even funny."

"It was very funny!" Gina exclaimed. "We just wanted to visit you but instead we see a damn cast on your leg."

Nichole rolled her eyes for probably the one-hundredth time that afternoon. Eventually, they all sat down on her couch to watch a movie. The Perfect Guy played on the TV and as Nichole was dozing off during the middle of the movie, somebody was knocking at her door.

Nichole groaned and carefully walked to the front door and opened it. She didn't feel like asking who it was even though that'd be the smart thing to do. Nichole was surprised to see Taehyung standing at her front door. Nichole had to swallow the laughs she wanted to do when she saw the sunglasses on his face. Nichole thought he looked hilarious.

"Yes, sir? Shouldn't you be in New York or something?" Nichole whispered, she didn't want Gina or her aunt LeAnn to see him.

Taehyung said in a cool matter. "We don't fly out until tomorrow. Plus, I wanted to see how you were."

"I'm doing fine," Nichole truthfully said in an extremely low voice, "thanks for checking up on me though. I appreciate it, although, you have my number."

Taehyung sighed, "Damn, I can never win. Anyways, Mina told me she made you key lime pie yesterday. Do you still have some leftover?"

Nichole squinted at Taehyung then she stepped outside and closed the door behind her. "Unbelievable. You really came all the way here for some pie?!"

"Well." Taehyung turned his head to the side then looked back at her. "I did ask how you were though!" Nichole wasn't mad, she just laughed. Taehyung was such a silly individual.

"How come you didn't ask Mina to make you some pie?"

Taehyung answered, "She told me to fuck off. She claims I only interact with her when it benefits me."

"Well, did she lie?"

Taehyung overdramatically blew out a breath of air from his mouth. "No, but still! Aren't you supposed to be on my side?!"

"I'm just the girl with the messed up leg!" Nichole said defensively with her hands in the air. "I still have some key lime pie, I'll give you the rest. You wait out here."

"Thank you, thank you so much!" Right when Nichole was about to open the front door, her aunt opened it at the same time.

"You gotta boyfriend, Nichole?!" Her aunt questioned in her usual loud voice. "You ain't tell nobody you had a man! Oh hey, handsome man! How are you doing?"

Taehyung chuckled as he bowed his head then greeted her. "Hello, I'm doing fine. How about you?"

"I couldn't have been better." LeAnn spoke with a grin. "Oh come on in here! It's too hot for you to be out there, sugarplum!"

Taehyung walked into Nichole's house while Nichole was processing the whole thing. Nichole entered her house and locked the door behind her. Nichole intently paid attention to Taehyung with her cousin and aunt. She was very scared that they were going to say something inappropriate or embarrassing.

"Oh mama, you shoulda saw them the other night!" Nichole heard from Gina as Nichole took out the pie from the fridge. "They were about to smooch each other faces off!"

"Oh, really?!"

Nichole yelled out. "Gina!" It wasn't even her cousin's business and she was aggravated. "We weren't about to kiss!"

Gina giggled and made her way to her cousin to poke her cheek. "Oh Nichole, stop acting shy!"

Nichole moved her face away before she grabbed the Tupperware of pie from the counter. "Taehyung, I got the pie."

"Trying to get rid of your boo so quickly?" LeAnn whined before she held a grip on Taehyung's shoulder. "This boy is tall, what do you feed him?"

Gina smirked and commented. "I know what she feeds him." Nichole caught on to what she was trying to say by the smirk on her face.

"Alright, Taehyung!" Nichole handed him the pie and looked at his amused facial expression. "Time for you to go." Nichole opened her front door and waited for Taehyung to walk out.

"Okay." Taehyung laughed before he was enveloped into a hug by LeAnn. "It was nice meeting you..."

"My name is LeAnn." LeAnn told him sweetly and Taehyung said her name before he turned to Gina.

"It was nice seeing you again, too."

Gina smiled at him in a friendly matter. "You too, lover boy." Taehyung looked down profusely then smiled at her before he walked to the door. Taehyung looked at Nichole, grinning.

Nichole couldn't help but grin back, "Have a safe flight, Taehyung." She wasn't expecting Taehyung to give her a hug. Nichole held onto him with her right arm and had the left still holding onto the doorknob.

"Take it easy." Taehyung whispered in her ear and she could've sworn that she would've collapsed. Thanks to the door supporting her body she was fine. "I'll try to keep in contact with you, but I might be unable to. So, just to be safe I'll see you in Santorini." Once they let go of each other, Taehyung quickly pecked her cheek and Nichole shyly waved at him.

Nichole waited until he pulled out of the driveway to go back inside of her house. "I like that young man. He seems to be grounded." LeAnn complimented. "You did a great job at picking him."

Nichole was too busy, thinking about the kiss on her cheek. Nichole was a goner, far gone.

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