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"How come you didn't call or text me last night?" Taehyung asked Nichole as she was sitting in the lobby. "I thought I forgot to give you my number for a second."

Nichole just gave him a weary smile, she barely had sleep the previous night from emailing her aunt. "My bad, I was busy and-"

"Don't apologize to me," Taehyung said as he held his hand to stop her from speaking anymore, "you don't owe me an explanation. We should get going, did you talk to Mina?"

"Yeah when I came in this morning and she said it's fine, considering the fact that she starts leaving early starting tomorrow."

Taehyung sighed contently, "Perfect, everything's coming together. Anyways, I was thinking about shooting at a park. Just for fun, you know?"

"That sounds good to me. The park that's like ten minutes away from here?"

Taehyung nodded, "Only if that's okay with you Nichole."

"Totally fine with me, lets roll. I'll follow you with my car." It took awhile for Nichole to gather her belongings so Taehyung just decided for her to meet him there. It wasn't hard to spot Taehyung in his bright pink shirt, sitting on top of his car. Nichole was like five cars away from him and after she parked, she made her way towards him. The park was more crowded than usual and Nichole frowned at the kids crying and running around.

"Fix your face," Taehyung sighed with a light laugh, "you look miserable." Nichole sucked her teeth before forcing her lips to spread to a tight smile.

"Is that better for ya?"

"Way bettter."

Taehyung hopped down from his car and stretched out his arms and legs. "That's just being extra, Taehyung."

"Just trying not to get an injury, ma'am."

"You're just going to stand there and look pretty anyways."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow before questioning, "Did you just call me pretty?"

"Oh get over yourself," Nichole dismissed as she waved her hand, "you literally have one of the most perfect symmetrical faces. It's proven by scientists, don't toot your own horn now."

"Ah, you did your research too?"

By then, Nichole just walked off with an annoyed expression before he jogged up to catch up to her. "I was wondering where you want to shoot." Nichole said as they walked up the little hill to where a swing set appeared and a see saw.

"What do you have in mind, photographer?" Taehyung asked as he licked his lips and moved to the swings. "I look good, right?"

"Eh," Nichole grabbed at the camera hanging on her neck as she craned her neck and looked at him, "got something on your face." Taehyung raised an eyebrow as he used both of his hands to rub his face, relentlessly. "Stop rubbing your face or you'll break out, idiot." Nichole took a napkin from out of her pocket and handed it to him.

"Thank you."

Nichole just hummed as she guided his hand to the corner of his lip. "Right there." She caught herself slipping up as her eyes were locked onto his lips. Nichole quickly backed up and made sure to get her camera prepared. "What are you taking pictures for? If you mind me asking, Taehyung?"

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