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"You need to stop moping around so much, Nichole." Her cousin, Gina, snickered as Nichole was slouched over on Gina's couch. "Don't be too sad, you can always work at the bakery with me."

"I would rather choke than to do that."

Gina sighed as she saw Nichole's right leg shaking rapidly, "Nichole, calm down. You're way too mad to even drive home."

"I was going to run away," Nichole dramatically sighed as she finished her punch, "I never hated anyone like this before. I mean I hated my dad and my step dad but damn I never thought I'd hate another man after them."

Gina placed her hand on Nichole's back before rubbing it in small circles, "Is that man really that bad?"

"It's just the fact that he's so cocky," Nichole complained once more again as pulled her legs to her chest, "he makes me sick, I want to puke every time I see his face. How am I going to survive on Tuesday?"

Gina sucked in a breath before shaking her head, "Fuck him and just get back to work. Maybe this was a sign-"

"Please don't discuss that fairytale shit with me," Nichole deadpanned with a frown, "that shit is not real and it's cliche."

"Cliche makes it fake?"

"It makes it even more pathetic, G."

Gina instead just sucked her teeth at her cousin, "When will you ever become happy again? You can't continue being like this."

"This is why I hate coming to your place."

"I just love you too much," Gina responded with an annoyed tone, "just become happier and let things happen. Fate is real-"

"And fate is why I grew up the way I did, huh?"

"Don't speak like that!" Gina scolded as she ran her fingers through her hair. "I wish I can understand everything you've been through but things will get better."

"When will they?" Nichole questioned, not even to be slick, but desperately. "Next week, next month, next year? I really want to know because I hear the same thing all the time. Maybe it just wasn't for me, I can't continue to handle this pain anymore so if it does get better, tell me when. When does it?"

Gina let out a shaky breath before shaking her head, "I can't tell you when but-"

"- then if you can't tell me when then I don't care. Now let's not fight about this because I feel like I'm going crazy."

Gina just gave Nichole a small smile before helping her into the guest room. That night Nichole felt content that she was relaxing without work but that didn't last too long. When Nichole woke up it was already Monday and she had work tomorrow. Everybody was going to remember her for being the bratty photographer instead of the other side to the story. It made her sick but that day Gina made sure to get her mind off of it.

Gina treated them both to a nice brunch out then for a massage. Nichole couldn't remember the last time she was at the spa but she was glad. Nichole made sure to thank Gina before she went back home. She tried therapy so many times and Nichole did try and wanted to like it.

They misdiagnosed her twice with depression and bipolar depression. It was like Nichole's life was spiraling upside down and at times she wanted to die or just sleep. Suicide was never something she seriously wanted to do but she'd consider it at random times. Nothing would ever drive Nichole to harm herself though, all that she was on her mind was the suicide note that her mother left for her.

That entire night, Nichole was fixing up her outfit for the night before. She wanted her job back more than anything so that meant actually dressing formally. A black pencil skirt, white blouse, and nude wedges were picked out before Nichole binge watched crime shows.

Nichole was almost late, keyword: almost. Exactly at five thirty, she was inside the headquarters and it felt so off. Nichole felt off without her camera or without setting anything up. When she clocked in, using her fingerprint, she noticed that there was an urgent message for her. Going to her boss' office, Nichole noticed a long sticky note on the door.


Welcome back and I hope you're ready to brew coffees at 7 am and for you to spend your day with Mina (aka the new editor)

- Douglas!

"Then what was my point in coming early?" Nichole muttered to herself as she snatched the sticky note off the door. There wasn't much for Nichole to do and she started to regret the heels she wore. Damn, she was used to tennis shoes and flip flops.

Nichole found herself sharing the coffees on time with a fake smile. What was she a waitress? If Nichole wanted to serve people, she'd be in the foodservice industry. Despite her lack of enthusiasm, Nichole met up with Mina (an old photographer), "I hope you're okay now, Chester."

"I am, Smith," Nichole answered, probably way too harshly. "What should we do first?"

"Just files of my photos that Gino took of Zayn Malik a while ago," Mina stated as she frowned. "I was procrastinating but now I feel like it'll be appropriate to pick the ones that'll look great."

Nichole just nodded as she followed behind Mina. Goodness, Mina's office was like childlike with plushies almost everywhere. Nichole was surprised that her office was allowed to be baby pink but she digressed. The photos of Zayn were all great that it made Nichole want to take lessons from Mina, how could it look so great?!

Nichole obviously wanted to be the best photographer that she knew she could be. Once they were finished, everyone was called to the main room and that's when Nichole's mood drained. The old assistant who was Raina was presenting photos of Taehyung that she captured. Nichole watched with envy as her boss wrapped his arm around Raina's shoulder, "Everybody meet the new photographer for Kim Taehyung, the photos that she took of him are perfect." Everybody hummed in agreement, except for Nichole.

Nichole had a false smile on her face and she hoped that nobody noticed but Taehyung did. He noticed how when everybody was done obsessing over the photos, how her smile dropped. Taehyung noticed how Nichole's feet uncomfortably shifted as she went to walk behind Mina.

And he noticed this for three weeks and there's nothing more he wants but for her to stop. Taehyung wants her to stop looking so low and down, it just made him uncomfortable. Then something suggested him to follow her into the mini kitchen where she was playing her camera.

"Hello." He would greet her but Nichole would just give him a fake smile before she scattered away from the kitchen. Nichole avoiding him went on for another three weeks. That ended once she arrived at the headquarters and stepped into the elevator. At first, Nichole didn't notice Taehyung but once she did, she wanted to get out.

Nichole didn't make it obvious to Taehyung, she just kept her back pressed on the elevator wall. "Good morning, Nichole, right?"


Nichole just had her arms crossed against her chest as she was staring at the numbers. Praying that the elevator would get to the floor.

"Just wanted to say thanks for the coffee every morning, you don't have to do that for me."


Taehyung got the memo that she didn't want to speak but he wouldn't accept it so he pressed the stop button. "Why won't you speak? It's like every day you're around here you get ordered around."

"Yeah, like what you tried to do with me?" Once she retorted back, Taehyung felt his chest clench. He wasn't expecting her to retort that back at him with venom in her voice. "It's my job and lets not even forget that I'm not even being paid half the money I used to make. It's my job to make your coffee, to make everyone coffee. It's not me being nice, it's simply me being the assistant."

Nichole didn't even give him a glance. Instead, Nichole pressed on the stop button, then a few seconds later, the door opened. She was the first to walk out the elevator and Taehyung stepped out right after. Taehyung watched her walk off and greet Mina with that same tired ass smile.

When will she ever really smile? He asked himself as he went about his day. As Taehyung usually does.

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