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That same day when Douglas had screamed at Nichole she was in a pissy mood. She told Jin about it when she came in and he asked her why she was frowning. Nichole watched her phone get blown up while it was in her pocket while she was working. She wasn't mad at him or even trying to be petty. Nichole was annoyed and she knew how she got when she was annoyed. Nichole was bitchy when she was annoyed, it wouldn't be fair to him.

Nichole didn't mind working off the steam she had in her body at work. Nichole brewed this elderly white woman's latte then she turned around and saw him. Nichole saw Taehyung walking through the door. Instead of him going to order something, he went to a table at the back of the room.

Nichole just continued to work and occasionally she looked up at Taehyung. He was on his phone, leaned back in the chair he was sitting in, and his fingers tapped the yellow table.

"Is that Taehyung over there?" Jin asked and Nichole nodded as she handed a young girl a straw. "Why is that idiot leaning in my chairs? I'm going to hurt him one day." Nichole just chuckled and Jin just sighed. "Go take a little break. Find out what that man wants from my life."

Nichole took off her apron and hung it up and she made her way to his table. She knew that he saw her coming towards her because she caught him glaring at her. He pretended like he was unaware as Nichole approached him.

"Taehyung." Taehyung looked up while Nichole stood in front of him, her hands holding onto to the chair across from him. "Jin wants to know why you're here?"

"I left my house keys at the house." Taehyung replied sheepishly. "Plus it's a public place, I am not bothering anyone."

"Well, okay." Nichole didn't have anything else to say so she just walked back to behind the counter. Throughout her whole shift, Taehyung was still at the table. Right when signed out using the clipboard, she took her apron off, then went over to tap Taehyung's shoulders. He moved around a little bit before his head shot up. "You really couldn't stay in your car? Imagine how the other costumers view you as. Probably a drunk."

Taehyung groaned as he stretched out his arms before he shrugged them. "Who cares how those pricks feel about me? Plus, sleeping in a car?! I understand you hate my guts but damn I'm going to die from the heat."

Nichole rolled her eyes at his exaggeration before she sat down at the table with him. "Am I supposed to feel bad for you?" She was mainly playing because she knew how Taehyung would get.

"Yes!" Taehyung rasped out which made Nichole laugh. "Anyways, I talked with Douglas today and he was calm. He said that it's ok—"

"— Taehyung." Nichole stopped him with her hand up. "If you're here to tell me about all that Douglas shit then I'm going to go home."

Taehyung slightly frowned, "I thought you were mad at me. I mean you're partially the reason why I'm here but still."

"Mad?" Nichole echoed, truly confused. "What made you think that I was mad?" She watched as Taehyung pulled out his phone and went into his call log. There were seven missed calls from Nichole. "I was at work, Taehyung. I can't just stop taking orders to answer your calls."

Taehyung said in relief. "Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry it was just that I thought—"

"— bring up Douglas one more time or I'm going home." Nichole warned with her finger up. "I didn't go through like five hours of brewing coffee to sit down and hear you talk about Douglas. Now how was your shoot?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes at the mention of it, "It was tiring as hell. Selena had to dye her hair black, by the way, they're thinking about making us do a shoot together. It's to promote a new collection that's going to come out in 2019, we may even walk the runway. They're even talking about dying my hair red."

"Red?" Nichole questioned before laughing. "Omg, I can't wait to see it."

"You'll never see that." Taehyung sternly said as he shook his head. "I told Raina already they better not even think about coming near my hair with a damn comb."

"You're so extra!" Nichole exclaimed with a frown. "Just dye your damn hair, it'll look good." Taehyung still shook his head. "You're stubborn as hell."

"So I have been told." Taehyung laughed and Nichole joined him before he did a long shaky sigh. "So, my parents are going to be visiting me from Korea."

"Really, when?!"

Taehyung's eyes looked around the shop before back at her. "Maybe in like two weeks? I don't think I'm ready for any of it."

"Any of what?" Nichole's eyebrows furrowed. "Is there like any family issues?" Taehyung's body slumped over some more and he took a minute before he nodded. "It's okay if you don't wanna discuss it."

Taehyung closed his eyes for a brief second before sitting up a bit. "I mean nobody really knows but Jin and Selena. It's just that they're not very accepting of me doing this modeling shit. They wanted me to be a firefighter or a lawyer. Something that works for the government, but I would rather die. I'd rather than die than to work for the government. A person who isn't white just doesn't belong there."

"What do you mean?" Nichole questioned a bit offensively. "What are you trying to say?"

Taehyung quickly corrected himself. "I'm just trying to say that the government, definitely America's, just don't give a damn about people who aren't white. I mean they are blatantly racist, xenophobic, homophobic, and they just will make matters worst. I don't belong there but I realize I don't speak for other people who aren't white."

"Oh, I understand." Nichole said plainly. "My mother— she was actually apart of the judicial branch. It's just—"

Taehyung quickly apologized. "Shit, I'm very sorry Nichole. That wasn't even appropriate of me to get into a topic like that. I'm—"

"— Taehyung." Nichole looked at him with an annoyed expression. "Just because she's dead and she worked for the government doesn't mean you're wrong." Nichole paused to chuckle. "Stop apologizing and don't look at me any differently because of what happened to me."

"I just thought it was a touchy subject." Taehyung stammered. "I-I know how much you love your mom. I don't want to make anything uncomfortable for you."

"You're the one making this uncomfortable." Nichole smiled lightly. "The topic wasn't touchy, it was just a topic that I never thought of. Also, just because a topic is touchy doesn't mean we can't speak about it."

Taehyung agreed but then he frowned a little. "I feel bad actually."

"Because?" Nichole quizzed, feeling a bit guilty. "Was I being rude?"

"No," Taehyung said then ran his fingers through his brown hair, "I feel bad because you told me about your situation. Yet, I haven't told you about mine."

Nichole waved him off, "I wouldn't feel comfortable if you forced yourself to tell me something. Mainly because it's none of my business, I just hope that you don't allow this situation to take a toll on you. That's all I can wish for." Taehyung looked down at his feet before he looked back at Nichole. He felt his vision getting a bit weaker, he didn't want to cry in front of her.

"I'm gonna go now." Taehyung abruptly got up and touched her shoulder in a friendly way before he left out of the cafe.

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