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Nichole was a bit reluctant to step into the diner at first. Nichole was literally wearing a wet sundress with a towel wrapped around her. Good thing she wasn't dripping wet, Taehyung, on the other hand, didn't care. In his point of view, he just thought of it as whatever. It's a literal diner not less than five minutes away from the beach, there's no fault in that. Only two other groups of people were at the diner when Taehyung and Nichole came in.

Nichole trailed behind Taehyung like a hopeless puppy as they were guided to a booth. "You're still shivering, wow." Taehyung observed as she sat across from him.

"If you didn't pull me in the water I wouldn't have been this cold, maybe? I don't know." Nichole rolled her eyes as she picked up the menu that was on the table. "I'm not that hungry anyway so I'm not going to get much."

"Your growling said otherwise in the car, you're gonna eat well."

Nichole let a breathy laugh out of her mouth as she continued to scan the menu, "Are you always this persistent? It's like I can never be great, geez."

"I'd like to think of it as that way," Taehyung answered as he threw his hands up in surrender. "Found anything yet?"

"Yeah, food and drinks." Nichole smartly replied with a wink.

Taehyung shook his head with a little chuckle, "Who taught you how to be this slick?"

"I guess you can say it's in my DNA."

Taehyung didn't say anything else he just picked up his menu with a silent laugh to himself. Taehyung enjoyed her company even if she drove him crazy.

They ate seafood salads and had a glass of water at the diner with corny jokes and small talk. It was almost perfect until Nichole felt humiliated. When they got their bill, Nichole mentally cursed at the guy who was giving it to them.

"Nichole?" Nichole bit down on her bottom lip as she saw Wayne in front of her with a confused expression. "Moved on so quickly, huh?"

Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed as he looked at Wayne in disgust, he was so close to saying something but Nichole ended up breaking the ice.

"We were never a thing, Wayne." Nichole retorted as she looked him in his eyes. "You can keep telling yourself that we were something but we weren't anything, okay?" Nichole paused to take a breath before continuing. "I'm sorry, I am so sorry that you felt like I took advantage of you but it wasn't my intention to—"

"The underwear in my apartment will easily disagree, how's your mom? Is everything alright with her, I mean since I was only just a medication for you to numb your pain."

Nichole didn't answer back instead she just stared at the floor. "Cat got your tongue, Nichole?"

"How about you leave her alone?" Taehyung chimed in after he placed his money on the table. "You're making her uncomfortable."

"What are you to her?" Wayne quizzed with a smirk. "Do you even know a thing about her? How she used me for healing after her—" By that time, he paused to look at Nichole who was shaking unconsciously. Her hands were covering her face and she felt her chest tightening up. Visions and memories that she hasn't felt in months came creeping back on her.

"That's none of my business but if you cared for her, you would stop harassing her." Taehyung stood up and reached his hand out for hers. "You can go now." Wayne huffed before turning on his heels and walking off.

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