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Nichole met Taehyung's parents in the workplace. Nichole was walking in right on time after she rushed to get to work and she spotted Selena with them. Taehyung showed her like two pictures and she knew off the bat when she saw his mother that they were his parents. Nichole used her fingerprint to sign and decided not to disturb Selena and Taehyung's parent's conversation.

On her way to Mina's office, she saw Taehyung on his phone. "Morning." Nichole greeted with a small smile and Taehyung returned the smile. "I saw your parents like a few seconds ago. Your mom is gorgeous."

"Thank you." He murmured before sighing. "They insisted on coming here to watch me work. It didn't take much to convince Douglas. I just don't want them here." Nichole gave him a sympathetic facial expression before she gave him a small tap on his arm.

"Just try to work and not mind them." Nichole advised as she clicked on the elevator button so she can get in. "Remember that this is your life, not theirs." She stepped in the elevator once the doors opened and pressed to go to the fourth floor.

Once she met with Mina, they had helped edit some pictures for some photographer on vacation. Nichole did most of the work since Mina wasn't really experienced in editing. In the middle of editing with their laptops across from each other on the desk, Nichole began to speak. "I actually miss taking photos and getting good pay from it. I think I should try talking to Douglas about it."

"You should!" Mina almost shouted out. "I mean how long has it been months now?"

Nichole faked a pout. "You're trying to get rid of me so soon." It was true that she was going to miss working with Mina. In the months that she worked with Mina, they never have gotten into any serious arguments.

"Of course I'm gonna miss you." Mina said with a hint of sassiness. "We've grown closer and you're like a sister to me. I enjoy working with you, but I notice that you're losing a sense of balance here. Your role isn't to be an assistant and it'll never be. You were blessed with a gift and you have a passion to be a photographer. You're worth more than pouring coffee and sorting files."

Nichole smiled lightly. "You're right."

"Duh bitch, I am!" Mina exclaimed as they both continued to work. "I remember when I lost many of my work when I used to be a photographer. I mean I was also losing passion in it. I think I just wanted the job for the money."

Nichole chuckled as she shook her head. "Money, money, money. Oh, how much we love her."

"I'd marry the bitch if I could!" Mina said which made Nichole laugh. Only Mina could have her dying laughing while she had to edit one out of three hundred and sixty-eight pictures.

Before Nichole left work that day, she knocked on Douglas' door and walked in when he answered the door. She didn't want anything more than to go back to working as a photographer there. Despite Douglas blank stares at her, Nichole didn't falter. She waited for him to sit behind his desk for her to begin speaking. "Hello, I was just telling you that I do appreciate everything you've done for me."

Douglas blinked twice before he stiffly nodded. "I know."

"But," Nichole cleared her throat a little, "I would really appreciate it if I can get my job back. I miss being able to capture the essence of people. It's what I signed up for and took classes on-"

Douglas interrupted her with his hand up. "You should've thought about how much you loved your job before you fought with other employees."

Nichole refrained from being rude right back and just nodded her head once. "You're absolutely right, sir. Which is why I've been punished times and times again and I took on a job that doesn't belong to me. Not only did I take on being an assistant but I'm doing a damn good job at it. I just want my job back."

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