Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

"No Gianna. That isn't going to be you. You are a strong girl and you will get through this. Plus you have Me, Neymar and the rest of the team to help you. Don't let this disease define your life and what you do. We will all be here to help you. And I will do my best and make sure that things never get to the point where you think you can't handle it." He says giving me a hug.

He looked at me making sure I was okay and I smiled at him. He gave me a weak smile in return.

When we got home and Ney,Mascherano,Dani,Cesc,Sergi,and Piqué were standing outside, looking bored as hell. When we pulled up their faces lit up like little kids and that made me laugh.

Neymar ran to my side and opened the door, helping me out. The rest of the guys just ran for the food. I held Neymar's hand since he was helping me get out and when I did he looked at me and wiped my tear stained cheek.

"Is everything okay?" He asks.

"Yeah. I'll tell you later." I say kissing his cheek.

We go inside and we all dive into the food because we were all hungry as hell.

The guys through their fries around as I quietly ate my food. I was thinking about everything. My depression, my boyfriend, my mother and just life in general.

I thought of what Marc told me. I shouldn't let this define me or what I do. If I'm happy then I'm happy, if I'm sad then I'm sad. Just because I have this disorder/disease doesn't mean I should be depressed everyday 24/7.

"Why are you so quiet?" Asked Piqué, making me come back to reality.

I looked up and the guys were looking at me. It also got quiet. Then Marc gave him the "cut it out" signal as if he was telling him that it wasn't a good time for that.

I shook my head at Marc's stupidity and then I spoke up.

"I'm quiet because.....I don't socialize with losers like you!" I say laughing and throwing fries at him.

The table immediately lightens up again and we all laugh and talk.

Neymar gets up and wraps his arms around me while I was sit. I put my hands around his and he rests his head on top of mine.

When we finish the guys go to the living room and start playing FIFA.

I stay behind and grab the broom so I can clean the mess up.

"Gianna Alyssa, what are you doing?!" Asks Cesc.

"Cleaning your nasty ass mess." I say while I begin sweeping.

"No you aren't." Says Marc taking the broom away.

"Marc it's disgusting here. Give me the broom!" I yell.

"No. You just got out of the hospital, go rest." He says

"Okay so then whose cleaning?"

"They are. Come on lazy shits. Come clean up YOUR mess because Gianna sure as hell isn't doing it!"

The guys groan but they eventually get up and begin cleaning.

I grab my phone and I begin taking pictures and video.

"Only because we love you Gianna!" Dani says pointing the broom at me.

I laugh and sit back, enjoying this moment.
I open up Instagram and I upload the video of them bunched up trying to clean with the caption: "Good to be home with my boys.❤️". I tag them all and exit the app.

While the guys continue, I hear a knock on the door, so I get up to answer it.

It was Emelyn.

"Hi babygirl! Hope you're feeling better!" She says giving me a hug and handing me flowers.

"Hi Em. And thank you so much. I'm much better, but come in. I got these guys cleaning their mess." I say as she walks in.

I clap my hands to get their attention and soon Marc runs towards us.

He kisses his girlfriend and they walk to the backyard to talk, meanwhile the guys finish cleaning.

After 5 minutes the guys finish.

"finalllllly! Now some FIFA!!" Sergi says jumping to the couch.

I get up and Neymar sits where I was. He signals me to sit on his lap and I do.

The first game was Mashe and Sergi vs. Neymar and Piqué.

Ney wrapped his arms around me and as he held the control. While they were playing we hear shouting from the backyard and we knew right away that Marc and Em where obviously fighting.

After 10 minutes of shouting it finally got quiet and all we heard was the commentators of the game.

Marc and Emelyn walk back in hand in hand as if nothing happened.

"Babe, are you staying?" Marc asks her.

"No I can't babe. I have a table read for the movie remember? I just wanted to stop by and see how Gianna was." She responds.

"Fine." Marc replies with a pouty lip.

He always tried getting things his way with the pout but I hardly ever worked.

"Alright, Adios boys! Bye Gianna!" She says waving.

I waved back and the guys who weren't play did too.

Finally Marc and her exchange a very long kiss and she leaves.

The rest of the day was full of angry and butthurt guys screaming at the tv and me laughing at them.

We just had a nice and chill day which was totally needed. Especially for me.








((If y'all don't start voting and commenting I'm gonna be so salty and stop updating bc I really need feedback!))

jk I won't stop updating, well maybe for a week or two idk. Just comment and vote it isn't hard guys lmaooo.



Bartra's Sister and Neymar's Lover. (Marc Bartra/Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now