Chapter Thirty-Six

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Gianna’s POV-

“I can’t believe that I’m actually going back today. It’s been forever.” Marc mused.

“Well you’re going back but you aren’t training..” I added.

Today, Marc decided to take Analyssa to the FC Barcelona training grounds. The guys have been asking him to take her for a whole but Marc kept saying no but it’s because he had to. Ana was still in the hospital when they asked him to take her so obviously it wouldn’t work out. Now that she’s been out for about two weeks, he thought that it’d be a good time to take her.

“Okay so what should my princess wear today?” He asked me.

“I suggest that you either put on her barça onesie or the pink elephant one.”

“But how cliché would the barça onesie be though?”

“Okay, well then dress her in the other one.” I murmured.

He took out the onesie and laid Analyssa on the changing table. He would talk to her while changing her and he even managed to make her laugh a few times.

“The only time she’ll laugh with me is if I tickle her…” I sighed.

“It’s because I’m her dad. It’s her job to laugh at everything I do or she’ll be grounded when she’s older.” He joked.

“Alright you freak. I’m going to wait downstairs. Don’t forget to put a little hat on her because it’s fresh outside.”

He nodded and I walked out and down the stairs. I wasn’t planning on going until Marc basically begged me. I just wanted to stay home and rest. It’s been 2 weeks since Analyssa came home and she’s got us tired as hell. She wants her bottle regularly around 2 am and she wants to be held or rocked back to sleep at 6 am so it’s a little hectic. At almost two months old the doctor told Marc that this would happen so we were kind of expecting it.

“Alright, looks like we are ready to go. G, do you have the bag?” He asked, walking down the stairs.

“I don’t have it. I thought you did?” I questioned.

“Hold her. I’ll go get it. It’s probably in the nursery.” He noted, handing her to me.

I held her tightly and kissed her little nose.

“Hello love.” I cooed.

All she did was look at me and blinked, like any 2 month old child would right?

While Marc was upstairs, I began putting Analyssa into her car seat. I set her down, buckling her up and covering her small body with blankets.

“I’ve got bottles, diapers, wipes, toys, and an extra outfit. Am I good?” He asked.

“I’m pretty sure that’s good. I did you the favor of putting her into her car seat. Let’s head out.”


We pulled into the FC Barcelona grounds and all the securities and staff waved as if we were The Royal Family. Marc parked his Audi that he received from the team and he took out the stroller while I took out Analyssa. It took us a while but we finally got situated.

Bartra's Sister and Neymar's Lover. (Marc Bartra/Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now