Her eyes... they're so dark yet they have this sort of sparkle in them. Looking directly in them was like looking up in the clear night sky that was filled with glowing stars.


Lisa, on the other hand, seemed to be in dazed. Probably because she's already sleepy and tired.

With that thought in mind, Jungkook decided it was time to leave her alone to let her rest.

"Go back to rest." He said. He stood up and turned his back to leave but stopped when the girl gripped his wrist. He looked back again to her.

"C-can't you stay?" It was barely a whisper. But he heard it.

He looked at her then to her hand gripping his wrist.

"Please..." She murmured, her sleepy eyes dropping. But she tried to keep her eyes open and waited for his answer.

They haven't shared a bed since the girl's return from Japan. Not that they share it a lot that is. It took quite a while before he could sleep on the same bed as her. And he would always have his back facing her.

Now it's been a little more than a year since their marriage and of course, they fight and he would leave the bedroom to sleep somewhere else.

Before he could speak, her grip loosened slowly and her eyes closed, drifting off to sleep once more. Jungkook was breathing heavily as he contemplated whether he'd stay or leave.

He knelt, facing the sleeping girl. He gently lifted the blanket and tucked her hand inside.

He won't sleep beside her.


He stood up and breathed out a heavy sigh. He walked towards the door. His hand touched the door handle before turning his head and stared at the sleeping girl one last time.

And then he was out the door.

He won't sleep beside her even though he saw the pleading look in her eyes. And it's not just because of their complicated relationship. No.

He knew she's vulnerable right now and she may not be quite aware of what she's asking from him. He won't be doing anything that might overwhelm the girl once she wakes up the next morning.

Mara might have a thing for him but that's not the situation right now. Whether she has a thing for him or not, it might overwhelm her when she finds him anywhere near her as soon as she wakes up.

It's vulnerability that was speaking.

But he can't help but feel the small weird flutter in his heart when he looked directly in her eyes. And let's say that's the reason why he didn't sleep well that night.


Morning came quickly. Lisa fluttered her eyes open as the sun shines through the window. She let her eyes adjust to the sudden brightness before looking around the room.

Upon realizing that it was the bedroom she was staying at, she wondered. "How did I get here?"

And then flashbacks from what happened last night came to her. The dinner. Her father. Her mother. The hug with Jungkook.



The sleepiness was gone in a flash and her eyes widened as she remembered that particular moment she had with him. He hugged her and comforted her even though she didn't tell him why she acted that way at the dinner.

He can be mean to her. He's good at it.

But then he can be a complete gentleman with her. And be damn good at it as well.

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