"Unlike other horny men who drop want to their knees and women from brothels who need to drop to their knees, I'm not that keen on fucking, no."

"Could it be you are not aroused?"

"No, not particularly."

"Does my charming beauty not make you want to lose yourself in me?"

"I've seen plenty of handsome men and beautiful women and that narcissism isn't a good trait. I recommend not being full of yourself."

"That hurts my pride Artemis," She feigned hurt,"I really thought you'd like me."

"I enjoy the way you think. Your personality, while a little lustful, is just the kind of person I'd enjoy mind chatting with. As for being friends with benefits, I highly doubt it," I denied her, making her pride fall even lower,"Strange as it may seem to you, Charlie, I value inner beauty more than outer beauty. Show me that you actually want me through your actions and not simply words."

Her mouth formed an 'O' shape to express her understanding,"So you want to feel love?"

"There has to be an emotional incentive to start a mutual relationship, no? Things like money and power can only bring gold diggers and arranged marriages. I don't feel like rushing into another relationship headfirst due to my glaringly bad experiences in the past. So if you really do think I'm worth a shot, what about a trial run?"

Her ears perked at my question, bewitching eyes staring into my soul,"A trial run? Could you explain in further detail?"

"Think of it like a marriage of sorts. But without the commitment. So either one of us can just walk away without consequences. We can always do stuff together but respect personal boundaries unless we're both comfortable with it."

"That sounds...Interesting. It's a unique prospect. I suppose I don't mind it. Is there a term for this—Trial run thing?"

"Dating. It's called dating. You date me, if we find out later down the road that we like each other very much, it goes further down to marriage. If we do something idiotic to ruin it, we can just split. Of course, there's that mutual obligation to not do stuff like sleep around with others. Think of it as a buffer period between friendship and marriage to decide."

"Huh. So it's like a game of skill? I make the right moves and I get rich, I make wrong moves, I go lose everything?"


"Okay then, let's date. But what do we call each other? Lovers? Amours? Sweethearts? Darlings?"

At this point, I was just bullshitting with my prior knowledge being soap operas, love dramas, animated flicks and books. They made it so cheesy and romantic in movies and books but it was all very cut and dry for me right now. No emotional tension, just either acceptance or denial. Not that I hated that; Definite replies were much better than vague answers.

"Girlfriend, I suppose. We're girlfriends."

"What a weird mind you have girlfriend," She commented, peering at me as if I were an exotic animal,"I can't say I don't like it."

"What can I say? I'm not the norm."

"I do like exotic. Those ears of yours remind me of the xotika. Yet, I've never seen a xotika as refined and adorable as you. Just what race are you?"

"I'm human, though I've been called peculiar quite a few times in my lifetime. I do have a bit of bloodline from a couple other races from when I awakened during my ascension to rank 2 though."

"Oh? What bloodline did you awaken? Mine's faerie! It gave me stronger illusory powers and this beauty of mine." She flashed a wide smile, as if proud of her appearance. If it were any ordinary person, they would most definitely be spellbound, mesmerised by this temptress of a woman. Unfortunately for her, I wasn't 'any ordinary person'.

"I awakened three though I've yet to utilise two of them. Dragon, titan and colossi."

She was extremely intrigued to say the least, poking and prodding me both physically and verbally, asking questions as she examined my arms with her smooth as jade hands,"These imprints, just what are they? I've never seen such things, even my powers won't let me decipher them! If you tell me, I'll kiss you!"

"Trade secret."

"Spoilsport!" She grumbled, realising her tactic of seduction was rather ineffective against me,"Ooh! What this beautiful tattoo on your back?" She peeked down my shirt shamelessly, having zero boundaries. It seemed the previous moment's letdown had completely bounced off her happy-go-lucky persona.

Such a playful person, I knew, hid the mysterious, cautious, powerful and very much dangerous person that hid behind such a facade. Making her a friend, it would be a double-edged sword and I hoped I wouldn't end up cutting myself using it.

So thus, began my pseudo-relationship with Charlie Rhode, the enigmatic rank 8 magister and a woman of seductive charm and smarts. Dangerous, beautiful and powerful. These three traits, in my opinion, made a terrifying combo.

As to whether this would be a pitfall or a windfall, for now, only time would tell.

"Is it just me or is it getting hot in here?" She asked out loud.

"It's just you. The room's cold as the tundra so stop using it as an excuse to strip me." I deadpanned with an eye roll.

"What a prude."

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