Special Chapter 4 Pt. 2!

Start from the beginning

As he walked, the albino allowed his eyes to wonder before settling on a poster that took up almost a quarter of the bulletin board. It was about the upcoming school fair, unmissable as it was decorated with a splatter of bright colours and big, stylish fonts. A Ferris wheel was blurred in the background amidst a perfect blue sky, and at the corner of the poster was a perfect rainbow.

Subaru's eyes widened.


Ayato's chin was propped in his palm, his green eyes sharp but elsewhere. The teacher had to compose himself, for it was one of the rare moments that Ayato's head wasn't on his desk, which meant that there would be no snores to disrupt his lesson.

He faced the whiteboard to hide his tears.

Near the back of the classroom, Laito was suffering in silent laughter. Kanato was simply looking at Ayato with a raised brow, but made no further comment. He then faced the front and boredly gazed at his trembling teacher, who thought no one would notice his emotional crisis.

Students were now staring. Some began whispering among the other, concerned, questioning his qualification or his choices of life. Others found it amusing, whilst a minority was annoyed. Some simply didn't know what to do. A few were in their own world.

The teacher eventually got himself together somehow and proceeded with his lesson.

Ayato furrowed his brows, frustrated as his thoughts were getting nowhere. Couldn't the sender be a little more specific?! They really don't want to reveal themselves, huh?

"Hey, what's the fifteenth letter of the alphabet?" the girl behind him whisper.

Her friend hummed. "I think...it's..." She began quietly counting. "Ah! It's 'O'! Why?"

"It's part of this weird quiz I'm doing," the girl explained.

Her friend laughed. "Oh god. Your phone will get confiscated."

"What? No."

"Yes. You're making it really obvious that you're on your phone."

"But this is educational—"

The two suddenly jumped when Ayato yelled. The girl's phone flew from her hand, landing loudly behind her. It slid rather gracefully across the floor and spun a little further towards the back of the classroom. There was a new crack in the corner of the screen.

The teacher, meanwhile, slumped, his hopes for a smooth lesson demolished. He turned around, his face bitter. "What is it now, Ayato?"

Laito blinked. Kanato, after recovering, faced Ayato with a glare.

"The fifth letter of the alphabet!" Ayato exclaimed.

Laito's curious expression morphed into one of realisation.

"It's 'E'!" Ayato was grinning widely, his chest lightly puffed and his chin slightly jutting forward. "I think."

"Well, let's hope that's the case," said Laito, closing his eyes as a calm smile beautified his face. "Good work, Ayato."

Kanato's glare faded and he huffed, facing the board for the second time. His stuffed toy remained cozy on his lap, waning his last bit of anger.

The classroom was in confusion.


Ayato and Kanato's mood was sour as the brothers were once again in one of the unused music rooms.

"Guinee's in one of her weekly meetings," Laito explained to the others.

"As she is a student council member," said Reiji, "you two should have expected this coming."

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