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  Peter landed in the middle of the street and was nearly hit by a car. Before he had time to recover, fish tank boy (as peter thought in his head) rose to the surface. Peter shot his webs at him, trying to pull him to the ground, but instead he was lifted off his feet and into the air. Peter, at first held on, but eventually let go before he got too high. Peter tried to get a running start to chase after him, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw MJ, Ned, Flash, and everyone else in their group running to take cover down a flight of stairs.
  Suddenly, a building right above them exploded. Peter shot his web at a piece of debris and flung it out of the way before it fell on the group, now crouched under a flipped car.  
  Peter turned around just as almost half of the buildings on the block began to crumble. He frantically ran through the streets trying to pull people out of the way, when all of a sudden the buildings were frozen in place. He looked up, and floating in the sky was the man with the beard, holding at least half of the crumbling buildings up with green smoke. He carefully placed the pieces onto the floor, not harming any citizens in the process. Peter shot a series of webs at the man, catching him by his legs, and pulled him to the floor. The man, instead of trying to get away from peter, flew towards peter and whispered, "listen peter, how would you feel if MJ or Ned got caught up in this?"
  Peter froze at the sound of MJs and Ned's names. And while Peter was distracted, the man blasted him with green smoke and flew off.
  Peter landed in a pile of rubble a few yards away. He looked up and saw MJ and the rest of his classmates under the car. MJ stood up, looking slightly panicked and rushed to peters side before Herrington could pull her back down.
  "Are you ok?" She said, helping peter off the floor.
   Peter looked at MJ and Ned, who was also running to Peters side, and remained silent.
  "Umm-Spider-Man?" MJ said, kinda shakily
  "Oh umm yea-no yea I'm I'm real good. Thank you random girl and random boy" he said in a deep voice. Peter took a step back, and tripped over more rubble. MJ reaches over to help him up again, but peter rushed away, scared to associate himself with them even more than he already was.

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